Coaches Daughter who has back tumbling fears, but great front tumbling.. What to do?

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Proud Parent
Feb 19, 2013
Reaction score
Hi Coaches..

my daughter started her back tumbling fear in level 6 with the ro bhs btuck. She can do it, but at times will have her mental block take over and will chicken out. Her front tumbling is great. Its fast and fearless. She completed level 6 and wanted to move to level 7, but her gym put her in excel platinum. Her routine is mostly front tumbling except for ro bhs stepout. She is trying ro bhs arabian. I feel she is progressing less with being on excel and she just wants to move back to JO levels. I think her back tumbling issue is holding her back. it has been like this for a couple yrs now and no coach has really fixed it.

Have you come across students of yours that have this problem, and what have you done?

Thanks for your time..
it can't be "fixed". it is a vestibular issue and in time should outgrow it.:)
agreed completely mental blocks are just that. repetition, time, and taking things back a step are the only real ways to make much progress. It is strictly on the athlete which makes it tough for all of us.

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