WAG L7 beam question

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Proud Parent
Mar 4, 2019
Reaction score
Hi, wondering if someone can help me understand. If a L7 gymnast is supposed to do a HS BHS (connected) on beam to satisfy the requirement, what would be the deduction if the gymnast doesn’t do the BHS? 0.5 for no connection and 0.3 for no B skill? Is that it? What’s the deduction for just not doing a skill? Thank you
It is 0.5 off start value for not getting the series/flight special requirement. Whether or not they will also lose 0.3 for missing a B depends on what else is in the routine. Only 2 B’s total required, can come from any elements in routine.
Thanks, assuming they have all the other requirements (including another B skill). I’m guessing there are more deductions for just not doing a skill but I don’t know what….
Hi, wondering if someone can help me understand. If a L7 gymnast is supposed to do a HS BHS (connected) on beam to satisfy the requirement, what would be the deduction if the gymnast doesn’t do the BHS? 0.5 for no connection and 0.3 for no B skill? Is that it? What’s the deduction for just not doing a skill? Thank you
Sorry to hijack, but I have the opposite question - if the gymnast doesn’t do the handstand, what’s the total deduction for missing series etc? She’ll do the BHS but the handstand back handspring isn’t going to be ready for high beam
I think if she does the HS and then stops, no connection, then BHS she loses 0.5 for no connection, but gets credit for the A and B skills? If she doesn’t do the handstand she’ll lose that A value (-0.1) and also the 0.5 for no connection? But this is all a guess…. There must be more deductions??
She needs an acro series, it doesn’t have to have flight, like a cartwheel-cartwheel or back walkover-back walkover or handstand - back walkover, etc. Then she can do a flight skill elsewhere in the routine. OR she can do a series with a flight skill. There’s no set skills she has to do, just acro skills with or without flight to fulfill the special requirements.


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Sorry to hijack, but I have the opposite question - if the gymnast doesn’t do the handstand, what’s the total deduction for missing series etc? She’ll do the BHS but the handstand back handspring isn’t going to be ready for high beam
The series and flight skill are 2 parts of the same special requiremen. Missing either means 0.5 off start value.
The series and flight skill are 2 parts of the same special requiremen. Missing either means 0.5 off start value.
They’re not part of the same special requirement. 1 requirement is a series, 2nd requirement is a flight skill, they don’t hAve to be together. She has the flight skill, but not a series so I’m not sure if it’s just 0.5 off start value for missing series (she has enough As and Bs otherwise in her routine). I’m sure I’m missing some deduction here besides the 0.5 on start value
And I’m wondering if one literally doesn’t do one required skill, what’s the deduction for just not doing it? :) I guess I’m missing the deduction for not doing an Acro skill so maybe it’s 0.5 off for no connection, 0.3 off for missing B skill and another something - maybe 0.5 off?- for no acro skill? (Doing the skill with a spot is -1.0 so it must be more than that). Thanks
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The acro flight and series are not required to be “together” but they are part a and b of the same special requirement. It is 0.5 off start value if either is missing, missing both is still only 0.5 off.

1a. Acro series (with or without flight)
1b. One Acro flight element (Isolated/in connection).
(both Acro SRs exclude Mnt/Dmt) One Leap/Jump
2. requiring 180° cross/side split (Isolated /in series)
3. Min. of 360° Group 3 Turn on one foot (Isolated/in series)
4. Aerial/Salto Dmt - Min. of A

There are no other deductions for “omitting” skills at level 7(like in compulsories). There is only meeting the special requiremnts and having enough counting value parts.

We do have available an execution deduction of up to 0.2 for insufficient dynamics in a beam routine and most judges would take the full 0.2 of this at level 7 for a routine with no attempted flight acro skills.
And I’m wondering if one literally doesn’t do one required skill, what’s the deduction for just not doing it? :) I guess I’m missing the deduction for not doing an Acro skill so maybe it’s 0.5 off for no connection, 0.3 off for missing B skill and another something - maybe 0.5 off?- for no acro skill? (Doing the skill with a spot is -1.0 so it must be more than that). Thanks
There is no specific required skill, just As and Bs that meet the requirements. No acro skills means no Special Requirement #1, so a 9.5 start value, plus more for missing As and Bs. So if there is no acro at all, that's at most 3 As, so a 9.2 SV. Doing a skill with a spot is -.05, but it doesn't come off the SV, and they don't get credit for the skill in optionals, meaning another missed A or B and more off the SV. If the acro is skipped altogether, the routine is not a level 7 routine, and the gymnast should probably be in another level anyway.
Thanks all! She has bad mental blocks (they’ve been going on for years, have done and not done everything and anything) so at this point the choices are 1) quit or 2) get a basic beam score to get mobility and state qualifying scores, and aim to be an event specialist on the three other events in the future.
Could she try a cartwheel/roundoff series instead?
She’s kind of tried but doesn’t love that either …. She’s not going to the Olympics :) so the idea is to just make it fun while it lasts, but give her optionality to continue with the sport if she chooses… which means getting the mobility/state score.

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