VIC Limited hours steam 2017

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Proud Parent
Jun 14, 2015
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I was wondering if any Vic's out there have heard if the limited hrs stream (old state stream) will still exist in 2017?

Lots of rumours going around our gym that it won't but can't help but wonder what would happen to all the LH girls who can't commit to the hrs for the unlimited program.

Any info much appreciated :)
No idea about Vic.
But when we lost state stream in NSW last year the girls just had to join the appropriate nl group and do the hours or do rec in most clubs.
A few clubs talked about doing a limited hours league but as far as I know it didn't happen.
Thanks for your reply OzZee! I know your right, just feel sad for a few of the girls older than my daughter who are very good at gymnastics but I know their parents can't afford the $$ for the huge hrs training.

My daughter is 7yrs old and will do nl 4 next year anyway. She jumped from nl1 to limited 4 so it has been good for her to do some harder skills but without training the huge hours (18 hrs) the unlimited 4s do at her age.
Yes I know a number of girls who have left the sport because of other commitments etc . It is a pity.
I have heard the same thing. I believe there will be a few comps for the girls, similar to gym skills but they won't be eligible for Victorian Championships unless they are prepared to enter with the unlimited hours kids.
I have heard the same thing. I believe there will be a few comps for the girls, similar to gym skills but they won't be eligible for Victorian Championships unless they are prepared to enter with the unlimited hours kids.

that really disappoints me to hear that :(

So will there just be one competition season now? not even club invitationals you don't think? Do you mean GymStar when you say gym skills?
I believe gym skills is the rubbish GFA program from GA. It includes every gymsport under the sun shoved into one (including cheer) and they don't even have a cartwheel until level 6. The kids get bored ****less. So that's not really much of an alternative. I'm glad my state still has state levels. 80% of our kids do that and it is ideal for them. Most families are not willing to commit to more hours and having limited hours/unlimited hours kids competing against each other is just silly. It's a shame the direction some of the states are going, it's going to drive a lot of kids out of the sport.
We've never had a state program, so when the change came it did really impact our clubs. But there are plenty of girls here who compete Level 4 or 5 and train less than 10 hours a week. They can often do well at states because the older age divisions don't tend to have many of the kids on big hours in them. And from what I've seen, when there's a big invitational on for the hard hitters, there will usually be another competition on that the limited hours girls go to so they're not always competing against those kids. Our club will often intentionally send them to different competitions so they're not being constantly compared.

I don't have a gymnast in the compulsory routines but from what I've seen the girls on limited hours can be pretty competitive with the others because there are no bonuses. It's a different story when they get to Level 6 probably where the hours limit their ability to get all the skills, but in Level 4 and 5 it seems a much more even playing field.
We have never had a state stream. Small clubs often hold their own comps with other limited hours clubs.

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