Parents First time competing giants...first place!!!

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Mrs. Puma

Gold Membership
Proud Parent
Sep 23, 2014
Reaction score
I’m so excited for Puma Jr! Her first meet of the season was yesterday and she got third place vault (which she has been struggling on), second place AA and first place on both USAIGC Bronze AND Silver bars! In IGC, an event specialist does all four events on their level and can also compete up to two events on the next level up. She’s so excited! She got a 9.0, which I know would not be even 10th place for many of you guys, but yesterday it was enough! Her giants weren’t perfect, I actually saw better (and better casts too) when I picked her up from practice on Friday, but she made them! She is over the moon excited. She was leading the AA into the final rotation, but she had a very uncharacteristic fall on beam and her teammate had a beautiful vault and beat her out. (I was psyched for her super sweet teammate too). So hopefully she can make some improvements for the next meet! :)
What a great start to the season! Does she do two different bar routines, or does the same one count at both levels?
What a great start to the season! Does she do two different bar routines, or does the same one count at both levels?
Two different routines. Hers are actually the exact same except the giants. We got lucky at this meet that Bronze and Silver were in the same session, so she did Bronze first, then the other kids in her squad went, then she did Silver. Next meet we’re not so
How exciting. She has worked so hard, and it is wonderful to see her having success.
That's awesome!! Congratulations!

I love how they can compete AA at one level, and be a specialist on a couple events a level up. I imagine it just really helps motivate kids!
I agree. It’s been perfect for her.
So awesome! Glad she had a good first meet.
Thank you! She was disappointed about her AA score (and the beam fall :( ) , but still excited in general! She wants to be a Bronze Diamond, which means 35.8 twice. This was a small meet but the next one is huge so I can only assume tougher competition. 5 weeks to clean some things up! :)

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