WAG Floor music ideas and help with cutting it!

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Nov 16, 2012
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Two of my girls are entering optionals in a few months and we are all super excited! I can't believe that some of my girls have actually gone this far already! I've been coaching them for a little over 2 years now and when I started none of them had even competed yet :eek:

Anyway, the girls can pick their musics by themselves, but of course I have to approve it. I judge optionals and my pet peeve is that almost all the optionals seem to choose their music from these pieces:

- Pirates of the Caribbean
- Under the Sea
- Madagascar
- Kung Fu Panda
- Black Cat White Cat
- Hedwigs Theme
- Rocky
- Aladdin
- Bellydance
- Let It Go
- Lindsey Stirling music

And so on...

My girls have done music search but they say that they can't find anything that they like and that is not already overused. So I promised to try to find some pieces for them to choose from.

I personally like these:



Could you help me find something similar to any of these? As you can see I have already found some music that I like but I would love to have a little bit larger selection, for now and for the future when more of my girls will start looking for music.

And hey, if someone can cut music, I would love to have 1.30 min cut from the Piano Guys version of Beethoven's 5 Secrets. And I would also love a cut from the Catherine Lyon's floor music Hello by Evanescence.

We can't use the Flower Dance because I already know one gymnasts who uses it (that's how I found it).

The girls are not super powerful but not super graceful either. I can't see them doing very fast tempo or overly dramatic routines. They are not that young anymore so I'm not looking for anything super cute or sassy either.

I appreciate all the help! If you want to share your or your daughter's music (or old music) I would love to hear those too. Thank you!
Fast and sad-Ivarelli. A few of my teammates used it and it was great. Maybe a bit too dramatic

Another one I like is blue, this might bring back some of their childhood memories

Maybe a little party never killed somebody, but that might be too sassy

Good luck!
I love the music in All Of Me, by Betty Who. Tell my daughter I think it would be great for floor eveytime we hear it. It’s not her style and I can even find an instrumental version. But I think it would be awesome.

I couldn't find a cutted version, but this song might work as well. It's the CSI Miama theme song. Depending on how old they are, they might watch it
Fast and sad-Ivarelli. A few of my teammates used it and it was great. Maybe a bit too dramatic

Another one I like is blue, this might bring back some of their childhood memories

Maybe a little party never killed somebody, but that might be too sassy

Good luck!

I really liked them, especially the first one. I can't remember where I have heard it?

I love the music in All Of Me, by Betty Who. Tell my daughter I think it would be great for floor eveytime we hear it. It’s not her style and I can even find an instrumental version. But I think it would be awesome.

I love this! I agree with you, it would make a great floor music if there was a instrumental version somewhere.

Her routine is beautiful! I absolutely love the ending!

I couldn't find a cutted version, but this song might work as well. It's the CSI Miama theme song. Depending on how old they are, they might watch it

This is nice as well, but I couldn't find a version without singing.
Funny you say you like the ending. That is something she has been doing around the gym for Three years. Just bam she does it. Last year her coach let her have it for the ending and the new gym let her do it as well. She is very proud to have added something to her routine. Thanks for the kind words.

I see you are a judge what can she do to improve, if you don't mind?
My girls listened these songs and they liked the Piano Guys song and also the Nuvole Bianche. We still have time to explore other options before we need to make the decisions.

Funny you say you like the ending. That is something she has been doing around the gym for Three years. Just bam she does it. Last year her coach let her have it for the ending and the new gym let her do it as well. She is very proud to have added something to her routine. Thanks for the kind words.

I see you are a judge what can she do to improve, if you don't mind?

The ending is very distinctive, I'm not surprised that she came up with it by herself! I'm not from the US so there might be significant differences in judging but to me her routine looks really nice. She could improve her switch leaps (back leg) and tuck jump (knees are low and the jump could be higher). She would also be deducted for lunging out of tumbling passes here but I think it's allowed in her level? And she would also get deductions for lack of choreography entering the corners before tumbling passes but again I don't know if there are rules about this in the JO CoP.
I'm happy to cut music, if you're still looking for that :)

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