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Glad we got an update! This mom needs to realize that this is her daughter's sport and she needs to respect your decision. Sounds like this little gymmie is taking it well and certainly I hope you start feeling better about it.
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Sorry to hear it was so hard on you, I know how that can be.....Try and take comfort in that you may be doing them a huge favor, more than they realize. Nothing worse than moving a kid up that isn't ready, and then they get hurt. You'd really feel bad then! Hopefully, as the year progresses, and you keep working on and progressing her child, she will see it was the right decision. Good luck to you. :)
Don't feel bad, if you were a MMA coach you wouldn't put your fighter in a heavier division unless they were ready. For the same reasons, building self confidence and potential injury to the both of you. Mom will probably cause all sorts of drama now, yippee! Be strong
We have a CGD at DDs gym....thinks his DD is the best on the team (which she is not), blames the coaches when his DD struggles (even though she was the cause of most of it--she's wanted to quit for some time but he won't hear of it, so she sabotages herself at practice, or just refuses to work at all), and gets very upset when anyone (teammates, rec kids, parents, etc) interfere with 'her' training...every year it's the same old drama and somehow HC always seems to win--dad retreats, daughter goes back to her routine, and the season continues uninterrupted. And his DD seems much happier to be doing her own thing--has qualified for states and regionals the past 2 years (I'm new to optionals, but to me that is success, no?)

Sometimes I think as parents we become so vested in our children and their activities it is almost as if they were being told they failed a year in school--at least that's how some parents see it--and they simply cannot have that blemish on their record.

I am so glad things worked out for the best for your gymmie...hopefully when mom sees the success in the meets, she'll come on board as well and will begin trusting the coach more often ;)
@BarCoach | If your gymnast is happy, then you have succeeded. This is her sport, her activity, and the mom is supposed to support her. Unfortunately, that isn't happening, so it's good to know that you are supporting her. You have her best interests in mind, which is clear because of how serious this whole matter was to you. You saw it through to the end, and it may not have been the cleanest ending, but your gymnast is happy. In opinion, that means you've won. You're a great coach for sure. There are many who would have just let it go, instead. There's no reason you should feel bad.
The child will be better in the end because of the decision. Just hang on to that thought!
Thank you so much to all who responded. I'm feeling better already and am looking forward to practice today. I think it is a weight off the gymnast's shoulders and I think she'll enjoy gymnastics much more now, and I know I will :)

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