WAG Required length of Level 6 floor routine

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Proud Parent
May 31, 2011
Reaction score
Hi all!
Just an observation and quick question. At a meet over the weekend, Dd competed against a Level 6 team that had extremely short floor routines. I didn't time them, but they were definitely shorter than the norm. Despite this, the team all scored extremely well on floor (mid 9's). Is there a deduction for not making the routines long enough or just for going over the allotted time? It seemed like they basically just fulfilled their requirements and were off the floor. Maybe less room for deductions?
Routine would have to be 30secs or less, complete or incomplete....it doesn't show a minimum time limit, just the 1:15 max time limit. A short exercise is described as 30 secs or less ( complete or incomplete) and gives the listed deductions for missing VP and SR.

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