I've begun teaching a class called gym & fit for 2-3 year olds at a facility that offers childbirth classes, mom's groups, etc. They bought me a low beam and two panel mats and i also have access to a tunnel, a few cones and hula hoops, have been promised bean bags at some point, and a parachute. Im running out of ideas for things to do and we've only had two classes (its a 6 week session). Every class we warm up with running, galloping, hopping, bear walk, etc then do a stretch. Then i set up a circuit with forward roll on the panel mat, through the tunnel, jump over the cones, walk across the beam, or something similar. Then we play parachute and class is over. But the time drags and i often think i extend the activities too long just because i need to fill the time. Looking for ideas for what i can do with limited equipment. Thanks.