WAG Bar routine structure

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Nov 16, 2012
Reaction score
Quick question! I have a gymnasts who is learning to do jaeger. She wants to add it in her bar routine, but she doesn't have a bail or pak and she's too tall to do a giant 1/2 / blind facing the low bar. Are there any other relatively easy or smart ways to continue the routine after the jaeger, other than kip cast handstand 1/2 pirouette? She can swing the bars but kip cast handstands are her nemesis... And obviously she has to hit handstand in order to do a half pirouette.

Her skills are clear hip, toe hand, toe shoot, giant, blind, jaeger and dismount and she's competing under the FIG rules
Toe hand or clear hip to half pirouette ? I have seen it in elite routines (mostly russians).
I would do upstart cast towards handstand clear hip to handstand, half pirouette. If she is tall it might be hard for her to get her toes on for a toe on from a short cast. But either would work.
What about the straddled baby pak and then 1/2 turn kip.

You can also start form a stalder position (4.202). One of my taller gymnast picked it up super fast. And bonus: 1 more CR fulfilled.


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