Anon Is There a Way to Find Out What Gyms Will Be Competing at a Meet?

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Anonymous (2455)

We left our old gym a few months ago and things got very messy, lots of hurt feelings all around. I now have the Fall competition schedule for our new gym and would love to be able to know if the old gym will be at any of the same meets. I just want our family to be able to mentally prepare for seeing the people that caused so much hurt.
Your new gym staff may be able to help you, if they are willing to contact the meet director. If it was a real bad break up, they might be willing. Really though, I would just make the assumption that they will be there and be prepared for the possibility every meet. Hopefully you are in a much better place now. Hold your head high and try not to let the other gym's reaction get to you.
We left our old gym a few months ago and things got very messy, lots of hurt feelings all around. I now have the Fall competition schedule for our new gym and would love to be able to know if the old gym will be at any of the same meets. I just want our family to be able to mentally prepare for seeing the people that caused so much hurt.
I know sometimes the attending teams are often listed on the meet's website (usually on the hosting team's site).
Unless the old gym posts their schedule online then no.

Alternatively you could check and see if they compete some of the same meets every year and assume they will compete them again next year.
We left our old gym a few months ago and things got very messy, lots of hurt feelings all around. I now have the Fall competition schedule for our new gym and would love to be able to know if the old gym will be at any of the same meets. I just want our family to be able to mentally prepare for seeing the people that caused so much hurt.
Usually only a day before the meet on under EVENT PAGE tab under the meet you'll find a list of session times and attending gyms. But really depends on how much the meet decides to report. I've found good luck with some gyms that are hosting the meets actually list the sessions times and gyms attending on their websites in advance of the meet.
Or go,to the other gyms webpage and have a look at their calendar. Many will list meets somewhere on their site, as info for parents.
I would just ask a parent who you are still friends with where they are going. That said, you likely need to just be prepared to see them. Gymnastics is a small world and it is likely you will run into them at some point. When that occurs, in my experience it is better to "be the bigger person" as my husband likes to say and be kind, polite and lovely to them when you run into them, regardless of any hurt feelings in the past.

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