WAG JO age requirements?

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Proud Parent
Mar 11, 2014
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This is totally just for curiosity. Are the age minimums for JO determined by USAG or by each state. ie, what age can compete level 4. Is it the same in every state?
It's determined by usag. Level 4 is 7 because my dd turned 7 2 weeks before her first level 4 meet. I'm not sure if there are other age requirement for the rest of the levels above 4, I just think it's minimum is 7. I think level 2 minimum is age 5, level 3 is age 6? But not positive.
This is interesting, as there is a 6 year old on YouTube who was a 6 year old level 4...but she turned 7 during the season, so that probably makes it acceptable. My daughter loves watching her.:)
So long as you turn 7 by state you are good for level 4
I don't think so. I read it to say that the gymnast must meet the minimum age before competing in that level.
I think coach p is correct, it is in terms of the end if the season...have seen several 6 yr olds at start of season do lol 4 and then turn 7 during season.
For girls it's the state meet. For boys it's September 1st.
I don't think so. I read it to say that the gymnast must meet the minimum age before competing in that level.
Wow, It is written two different ways in the code. One says at age of culminating meet of the season and the other says you have to be min age prior to any competition. Interesting! Apparently no one enforces it, because we and others have had kids compete and turn the qualifying age mid season. (and obviously no one care enough to rat anyone out either). :)
I enforce it at my meets; its part of meet prep. It is a sanction violation if the rules are broken and I am not keen on paying money out of my pocket for someone else trying to break the rules. Bad on those meet directors that don't enforce it.
I enforce it at my meets; its part of meet prep. It is a sanction violation if the rules are broken and I am not keen on paying money out of my pocket for someone else trying to break the rules. Bad on those meet directors that don't enforce it.

Yep...anyone allowing a 6 year old to compete level 4 is violating their sanction. Here is exactly what the code says:

The gymnast's age for the competitive season is determined by the date of the final day of competition at
the culminating championship meet for that level. Exception: The gymnast must have reached the
minimum age for her level prior to entering any qualifying competition.

The age at state meet thing is mostly for age groups for awards(ie a meet can set it's age groups so all the girls that turn 8 by state meet date are considered 8 year olds for awards groupings). But a gymnast MUST have reach the minimum age for a level on the day of the meet to compete.
Every season, my dd has barely met the cut off for each level. For old level 3, she turned 5 a week or so before the first meet, as well as 6 right before new 3 and then 7 before level 4. So, I always thought it was based on age prior to first meet. The way I understand the age requirement about state is that determines which age group you compete in. The girls who may have competed as 7 all season has a birthday prior to state and turns 8, so she's bumped up? Anyway, that was my understanding of the two different ways it's written.
I would also add that USAG seems to be getting more pro-active about fining for sanction violations. Heard of a few cases this past season of both the meet director and coach being fined if a coach is on the floor at a meet without all certifications up to date. I would assume that USAG could do the same with an age violation - fine both the coach for entering an athlete that is too young and the meet director for allowing her to compete.
This is interesting, as there is a 6 year old on YouTube who was a 6 year old level 4...but she turned 7 during the season, so that probably makes it acceptable. My daughter loves watching her.:)
It could be that the Level 4, 6 year old on YouTube are routines prior to the level change. My daughter's old Level 4, 6 year old routines are on there, but prior to the level changes, 6 years old was the minimum age for Level 4. Maybe not though, I have heard of this happening. I would just err on the side of caution. I mean, A) those ages are established for a reason, and B) what if it's caught on the day of the meet & the poor gymmie is DQ?!?! That would really stink!!!
To add, the USAG meet registration system online takes care of both athlete and coach verifications for a meet director. Now, if people would just use it ...
To add, the USAG meet registration system online takes care of both athlete and coach verifications for a meet director. Now, if people would just use it ...
I had ONE club use it this past season.
Kind of a spin off of the minimum age...are minimum scores and previous level completions ever checked?
We had this problem last season and is one reason why Little Bit is competing L3 again. It is strictly enforced in our state- She turned 6 as the season was about 75% over so she was just able to compete in a meet and make state. We would have run into the same problem as a L4 and her turning 7. So far awesome decision- no stress of learning L3 routines/perfecting and just building toward L4...should be rearing to go by the time she competes L4 in the 2016-17 season.
Yep...anyone allowing a 6 year old to compete level 4 is violating their sanction. Here is exactly what the code says:

The gymnast's age for the competitive season is determined by the date of the final day of competition at
the culminating championship meet for that level. Exception: The gymnast must have reached the
minimum age for her level prior to entering any qualifying competition.

The age at state meet thing is mostly for age groups for awards(ie a meet can set it's age groups so all the girls that turn 8 by state meet date are considered 8 year olds for awards groupings). But a gymnast MUST have reach the minimum age for a level on the day of the meet to compete.

yes. this. ^^^
It could be that the Level 4, 6 year old on YouTube are routines prior to the level change. My daughter's old Level 4, 6 year old routines are on there, but prior to the level changes, 6 years old was the minimum age for Level 4. Maybe not though, I have heard of this happening. I would just err on the side of caution. I mean, A) those ages are established for a reason, and B) what if it's caught on the day of the meet & the poor gymmie is DQ?!?! That would really stink!!!
The child in question definitely was a 6 yr old doing new level 4 meets. She seems quite talented, is now doing level 6 at age 7, which is acceptable by USAG. But I am glad to know the actual rules...my own kid thought this girl wasn't supposed to compete level 4 at her age, and she was right, lol!

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