Parents Meet reports!

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Proud Parent
Jun 12, 2011
Reaction score
So our season is about over. Two more meets then states at the end of March. Unfortunately this has been the year of illness/injury so the middle meets didn't go as well as the start of the season promised but she still had fun and is now completely healthy for the end.

Judge's cup was up first and she did great. Qualified for state and had scores in the 8s and high 7s. Then came a pulled muscle in the back- out week and half, then a nasty head cold out another 2 days.

Out Icebreaker meet was our first official meet in that there were placements. Even with the scattered practices she still came in 4th place all around and 2nd on beam. But THEN it was the full blown flu and ANOTHER cold so she only had something like three practices between Icebreaker and Lady Luck. Wasn't sure if we would even do Lady Luck because the whole week up to that she had a fever of 101-104. We went to practice the Wednesday before we left and she was able to do everything but was really tired. Coach said it was ok to come and compete. We would have gone anyways and just watched because we had already paid for airfare, hotel and tickets to see Cirque. She had an ok meet but fell on her floor on both her front tuck and back handspring/tuck pass which she NEVER does. Didn't fall hard our anything but you could definitely see the lack of conditioning but she did place on beam, taking 7th so she was really excited about it.

After that was Gem State and she was still recovering but did better taking 2nd on beam and 4th on floor and 6th all around.

Then we had a nice break of three weeks where she was able to go to all practices and be healthy and do everything so our last meet was fantastic. So far this year the hardest thing for her to do was connect her bars. Her personal goal for this meet was to connect those darn things and she DID. She totally did the happy dance after that! She didn't quite meet the height requirement for the casts but connecting was such a huge thing for her. She even managed to place on bars! She also placed 1st on beam, 2nd on floor and 3rd all around. Vault is her real nemesis and she placed 8th on it. Someday she will consistently have a block :)
I have video of the last meet here.


Now her goal is to get a big leap on beam and big casts, They've looked really good at practice so she is excited for the last meets.

Thanks for looking!
The video is set as private.

Sounds like a pretty great season, despite illness and injury

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