Coaches Music at Meets

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Proud Parent
Dec 22, 2013
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This is probably a really dumb question, but here goes.

I took about a ten year break from coaching, during which technology changed from floor routines being on CD to being on MP3s.

I had downloaded the USAG compulsory music on my phone, but we've got some EXCEL kids this year and we've just bought their music from Floor Express. The music was emailed to me. I can not, for the life of me, figure out how to take that email attachment of music and download it as a song on my phone. (Iphone 5c)

I also have an IPAD if that is any easier.

Do you guys have all music just on your phone, or on a dedicated MP3 player or IPAD for meets? HOw does that work?
Totally one of the reasons I switched to an Android phone this year!

Apple makes your life complicated. Basically, you have to save the music from the attachment somewhere on your computer, then import the files into iTunes, then synchronize them with your Apple device!

No advice on the last part of your post, we still use CDs (so thankful)!
Can't help you with the tech stuff, but to answer your other question, we have an I touch that has all of the gym girls floor music on it. And I have all the floor music for the girls I coach on my phone as back up.

Meet directors are no longer required to provide cd players(though depending on your area it may still be common). In my area no one is on cd's anymore.
Sevenatenine2; I take music upload it on my MacBook, manipulate the music (via Garageband or Audacity) if needed, upload it to iTunes, create a FX playlist and upload it to my iPhone/Ipad/Itouch.

Upload to MacBook can happen by disk, music on a sharing site and by "old fashioned" email. I see on my phone when someone emails me a music clip that I can save it.

Whenever I have difficulties I make an appointment to see a "Genius" at our local Apple Genius Bar. It never fails that I am terribly humbled by the end of the appointment.

I hopes this helps.

Best, Eric -

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