I was wondering what people's opinions were on beam series..? I've been working bwo bhs on beam for a while,but I only have it on low beam. They are pretty good, and I always land on the beam unless I'm off.. But I don't think I'm close to getting it on high beam, and I want it by the end of summer. I barely have any confidence in myself while I'm doing them on low beam... and most days I use mats so it's not even on a low beam. But the point is, I didn't know if I should try to do bwo bhs this year, or stick with bwo bwo for the time being?? I really want to challenge myself with something harder this season, but it would probably hurt my score because of form issues and being more likely to fall. I just don't think I'll have enough time to perfect it (if I even get it) before the comp. season.. So please tell me if you think it's worth it for me to take the risk?