+1 to gymdog's post. Less spotting is more is a healthy axiom to follow.
I thought we all ache.
Above said, some skills need spotting for safety and others for technique. Spotting is valuable. The art is
how much and when, IMO. On the safety I think of UB releases, giant swings and hechts. Until they rock, they get spotted. I get aches on these when the athletes do unexpected things. I am glad that I can keep them safe, ache as a result and reflect that I need to better teach them mentally andf physically. Technique - neural muscular memory occurs with correctly executed reps. To speed learning along we spot when the athlete needs reminders, is developing timing of even when they are developing strength.
Now to aches: yup hips hurt from activities and standing on the carpet over cement floor all hours of the day and night, yup hands ache from repeated use, yup skin gets dry in cooler weather, yup old ankle & knee surgeries ache when weather changes(like today), upper shoulders ache from repeated in-bar skills the day before (this should end according to my Workout Planner in a few weeks - but valuable at the moment), my cheeck bone aches from Open Gym spotting rookie backhand springs, and my ribs ache from hitting the BB today when safety spotting a salto series that went unexpectantly to the left. Just aches - no blood gushing, no broken bones so I can continue Tuesday. Home a bit ago, so that means very shortly a stretch, short run on the treadmill, a bit of stationary bike, small bit to eat and then finally sleep. Morning some more late sleep(until at least 8:00am), and indicated by today some anti-inflamatories, a stretch, a swim and then to the gym. Aches - yes.
Coaches lives are the best I remind myself! BTW, I suffer a delusionary state of fatigue by this time of the evening.
Empathizing aches this evening. Best to all coaches, SBG -