My daughter is changing gyms. The gym that we choose is putting her in a level with a wide range of ages, some who will be 6-7 years older than her. She is 6 years old and will hopefully have a few kids close in age to her, but I suspect she will be the youngest. She is not exceptionally talented, the new gym just tends to have older team gymnasts verses a large group of littles. I’m a bit concerned about her training with much older girls, mainly because I worry that they will be talking about things that she shouldn’t be exposed to just yet. I’m also a little worried that that the expections will be too high for her because she is 6 and not as old as the other girls. The expectations for focus and independent work habits of a 12 year old should be different than a 6 year old. For those who have a young one training with older ones, have you encountered any issues with a big difference in age? I know my daughter will love training with older girls as she already has some older girls at her current gym who she adores and they treat her with great kindness. But, she also gets limited interactions with them as she doesn’t practice with them. Thanks!