WAG Back from injury....with video!

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Proud Parent
Jul 19, 2012
Reaction score
It has been a long season. Dd, new level 8 this year, broke 2 fingers & dislocated one back at the beginning of November, right before meet season was to start. This was the first year in a while where she was looking solid, feeling confident, and ready to take on the season at her new level. Then, the injury. :(

She was released from the doctor about a month ago and she's been fighting mental blocks since then. This past weekend was her LAST chance to qualify for states. She had not competed AA all season and was still having mental blocks on beam and vault.

Well...this weekend she competed AA! She qualified for states and her 2 best scores were on the two events giving her the most trouble (beam 9.025 and vault 9.0).

I just wanted to share my happy news. Here is her beam routine. I wish you could see the smile her her face when she hits her flight, but she is facing the other way. You can hear the cheers of the parents who know how hard she has been struggling this season. :D

What a great feeling that must be! Congrats to your dd for her perseverance and hard work!
Love great news!!! Congratulations to her and you! Thanks for sharing!!
Great job! Her jumps are so nice and solid! Big congrats to her, I know you are proud of all she has overcome!

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