Piked back handspring?

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Jan 9, 2013
Reaction score
I just got my back handspring on a mat today, (yay!) except I am piking.
My coach told me I was, though I don't know how badly.
I don't get stuck in a handstand or anything so it can't be that bad, right?
Anyway, my questions are...
Will I gradually stop piking as I do more back handsprings alone and get more comfortable?
AND How do I stop piking? Like is there anything I should try to do to stop it?
Form in a back handspring is very important to me, so I really want to stop piking. I really really want help because I don't want this to take away from the glory of me getting my back handspring alone.
Thank you sooo much!!
Any tip or tidbit is appreciated.
I had this problem too! My coach wanted to "reinvent" by BHS, so I had to start from the beginning after working so hard to get one. Ask if you coach can take a video of you doing one so you know where youre piking, that will help

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