Parents Question about coaches and pain

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Proud Parent
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
Hi there,

Dd is on a compulsory team at an elite gym that's well-known for being aggressive and extremely competitive. Is it ok for a coach to pull / push the gymnasts' legs beyond normal splits, to the point the girls are crying and telling the coach to please stop, but the coach insists they must take it and learn to push through the pain if they want to become stronger??

My Dd has her splits all three directions already, so it's sounding to me almost like an exercise in tolerating serious amounts of pain.

I asked dd why she and two other girls just cried and didn't hit her or try to run away or something, but she said they were "scared" to physically stop her since another girl did once and now that coach is cold towards her and won't let her have "fun" with the other girls, according to Dd.

Is this normal? Or, is this possibly traumatizing to kids? This gym has no opportunities for parents to talk with the coaches and Dd asked me to please not say anything since she's incredibly grateful to have been accepted to the team at this gym, she LOVES this gym, and the next closest good gym is probably 90 minutes from where we live (and we cannot drive her there). Thank you for your thoughts!

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