Today's Level 3 Meet. The bird did great!!!

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Proud Parent
Sep 14, 2010
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Well, the little bird did great today at her meet. She improved on every event so we couldn't be more proud. She is a funny one. She did not smile until they gave out a bunny at the end. Her dad asked her on the way home if it was fun for her (since she was so serious) and she said "of course daddy! It is sooo much fun!" Who would have known? Anywho, the meet was fun and we just have two more left for the season, our home meet and then states! Hopefully, level four will be somewhere in the horizon. Here is the video. Thanks for looking and listening!

BTW - I was thinking of the post yesterday on being nervous. Well, I must have been because when we got home I crashed! I literally fell asleep on the couch downloading the photos! I think my nerves gave way and then I was just exhausted! She was fine though...

I picked a serious song since she is so serious!
YouTube - nancyanddan
Loved the video! Congratulations!
good for her...she is so cute! I have one of those serious kids, too. My ds looks like he is almost in pain during the meets, then afterward he has a great big smile and says how fun it was! lol, kids!!
Great job! Nice video too. Want to come to my house and turn all of the video footage I've taken of my DD this year into a professional-looking video like that one? Please? ;)
Thanks everyone! it is so fun for me to make the videos. I actually always end up making two different videos (i tend to get carried away a bit!) Now I just need to get a better lens. Thanks for watching!
Very nice. She has some nice clean straight lines peeking through in a lot of parts of those routines. I see a future star in the making. Straight and tight are not easy things to teach, and she seems to have picked alot of that up already! Congrats to her. Glad the bunny made her smile. My kids are super serious at their meets too, especially older DD. Her pictures always look like she is being tortured!
What a cutie patootie. She did an amazing job. And I agree very nice clean lines. Its amazing the little differences in the L3 routines between here and where you are. Just little differences..but they are there. Like in a L3 vault here the girls this tuck type roll. And on floor the lay flat on the floor then go into a bridge/backbend..then do their kick over. Wonder why the difference? You would think it would be a standard across the line for all..hmmm? I have seen the L3s do a flatback vault at some of the meets. Maybe its what that meet itself wants? Sorry wasnt trying to highjack your post. Just thinking outloud. Please excuse me. Thanks so much for sharing her video. Looks like your little bird is growing her wings.
She did so good and had such a great meet! I recognized the gym you were in. We used to go there for open gym awhile back because my daughter loved the climbing thing they have in the corner. :)
Wow, she did a great job and your video is so good. I want to be able to make videos of my daughter, but I don't have the product knowledge! I better get with it and learn....ugh they grow up so fast! :( BTW, your little bird is super the hair!
What a cutie patootie. She did an amazing job. And I agree very nice clean lines. Its amazing the little differences in the L3 routines between here and where you are. Just little differences..but they are there. Like in a L3 vault here the girls this tuck type roll. And on floor the lay flat on the floor then go into a bridge/backbend..then do their kick over. Wonder why the difference? You would think it would be a standard across the line for all..hmmm? I have seen the L3s do a flatback vault at some of the meets. Maybe its what that meet itself wants? Sorry wasnt trying to highjack your post. Just thinking outloud. Please excuse me. Thanks so much for sharing her video. Looks like your little bird is growing her wings.

We see some difference here as well. We have one girl on the team that can not do the backbend yet, so she does the bridge kick-over, others get a spot on the backbend. They must have a choice? Not sure. Also, I think, but am not 100% sure, that the vault my daughter's team does is the level 4 vault. I think the level 3 vault is the forward roll/stand up. Our coach said that our team had that down and that they would perform the level 4 vault for meets. I think level 3 is pretty casual compared to other levels...Thanks!!!
Wow, she did a great job and your video is so good. I want to be able to make videos of my daughter, but I don't have the product knowledge! I better get with it and learn....ugh they grow up so fast! :( BTW, your little bird is super the hair!

ALso, the video editing is VERY easy. I figured it out myself using Windows Live Movie Maker.

I made another video of the team. It is a bit longer but again, I love making them! I wish the quality was a bit better. I am going to have to upgrade the equipment! ;-)
Thanks for the tip, I want to learn to edit videos, too. I have some video of my DD but it is raw and needs editing and the software that came with the camera is very basic. I'll have a look for the one you suggested.
ALso, the video editing is VERY easy. I figured it out myself using Windows Live Movie Maker.

I made another video of the team. It is a bit longer but again, I love making them! I wish the quality was a bit better. I am going to have to upgrade the equipment! ;-)

New To Gym~I'm sitting here reading the thread with my 9 year old on my lap because he wants me to rub his back (LOVE IT...soon he'll be too big) and he tells me "OH, I have Windows Movie Maker, I can probably make you a video." ;) Thanks for the tip, now I'll just have to wait for some competition videos....could be awhile. ;)

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