In that case, if you're leaning more towards a rec-only gym, then it's going to be a lot easier than having DP and competitive advanced teams; you don't need as much experience. Hiring coaches should be easier too, but I do think you should get into contact with some experienced gym owners and...
Do you want to open a gym that is for just littler kids to learn motor skills and basics or are you talking about a real competitive gym with levels 1-10 and possibly an Xcel program as well?
I have experience with learning things on my own and then having to go back and fix the form. It's hard to fix the technique and bad habits. It takes a while especially if you have been doing the habits constantly for a long time, but if you're committed to becoming a better gymnast, you can do...
I don't know much since I'm just a gymnast myself and most of the time it's gymnasts who turn out as really good cheerleaders. I haven't seen the other way around before. But I recommend scheduling a meeting with the coaches and discussing a solution or if they have any ideas of how to handle...
This is a little disappointing. But maybe club might be a good idea. I will also look into other gyms and get their opinions as well. Thanks for the advice!
I competed Xcel Gold last season and now I want to go level 6. I am pretty sure other girls in my gym have done it before, but my coach is saying that its not allowed because I don't think she wants me to leave. I really hate Xcel because its not going to get you very far and I really want to be...