Recent content by Gym dad

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  1. G

    MAG Meet Scores

    Nothing really matters until level 10, and remember they can't do level 10 until they are 15. You can start qualifying for nationals at level 8.
  2. G


    What are his starting values right now?
  3. G


    Any interest from any college programs yet?
  4. G


    Looks great! AA score?
  5. G

    MAG Repeating l4

    I don't see any benefit for the gymnast to repeat level 4.... especially if he was successful his 1st year. Level 4 is not even real gymnastics yet as the routines are so basic. I would much rather have my gymnast repeat a higher level. Repeating the most basic level, in my opinion does not help...
  6. G

    MAG Level 9 Vault starting values

    Is there a list somewhere of the starting values for level 9 vault?
  7. G

    MAG 1st year level 8

    Why is it that the younger kids seem to score so much higher than the older kids?
  8. G

    MAG 1st year level 8

    So a 65.0 AA score it's probably middle of the road?
  9. G

    MAG 1st year level 8

    So what would be a good score for a first-year JO level 8 kid? I have no idea... Scores seem to be all over the place.
  10. G

    MAG Iron Cross

    Can you compete Iron Cross at level 8?
  11. G

    MAG Home schooled?

    Wow! I can't believe how many hours your kids train. My Ds has only been doing 16 hours a week the last couple of years. Will be a level 8 this year doing 20 hours.
  12. G

    MAG Home schooled?

    Just curious as to how many kids are home schooling. I am really concerned as to how my DS is going to handle a full day of school on top of 20 hours of practice a week.
  13. G

    MAG How important is a great coach as compared to just a good coach

    I just get aggravated when I continually see the same mistakes and it doesn't get corrected. I feel a great coach fixes the problem.
  14. G

    MAG How important is a great coach as compared to just a good coach

    I feel like the coaches at our gym are good but not great. We have another program in the area about 45 minutes away that seems to have much better coaching as well as more invested coaches. I have always been curious if my Ds would excel more with better coaching. Any thoughts on this?