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  1. T

    Parents DD returns to gym after 3 years off

    That's amazing!
  2. T

    Parents Looking for recommendations in Oregon and Washington State.

    Hi! I didn't see your message until just now, I had an amazing response from Chalkbucket families in the PNW and somehow missed your message. I'll reply to your message as soon as I can get to a computer. Thank you so much for the recommendation! I have to say, I have been blown away by the...
  3. T

    Parents Performance Anxiety - How to help

    This is actually probably much more accurate than my advice (which was geared towards my non gymmie performaning in a school play)!
  4. T

    Parents Performance Anxiety - How to help

    It's got to be hard on little ones who are competing for the first time. It's a ton of pressure and a ton of attention. My gymmie never had stage fright in the gym or elsewhere, but her sister gets sick with nerves before every elementary school performance. One thing that has helped her...
  5. T

    Parents Looking for recommendations in Oregon and Washington State.

    Thanks! We are not in Region 2 but our area is not super competitive either. Your description of the region sounds exactly like what my daughter needs- a healthy, relaxed atmosphere where she can train to her potential without constant pressure to be a superstar. She puts a ton of pressure...
  6. T

    Parents Looking for recommendations in Oregon and Washington State.

    Thank you! That makes me feel so happy, haha. I feel very drawn to the PNW - I really hope that we can make it happen.
  7. T

    Parents Looking for recommendations in Oregon and Washington State.

    Hi all, my DD is a Level 6 gymnast currently training level 7 with hopes of making it to 8 this year. She recently, suddenly and unexpectedly, lost two absolutely beloved coaches to a competing gym, and she (along with her optional teammates) is left without many options for the foreseeable...
  8. T

    WAG Not sandbagging, but...

    My daughter's coach likes everyone to have most of the skills needed for the next level before they compete at any optional level (so 6s have most of their level 7 skills and so on.) He says it's an insurance policy in case they suddenly "get mental ", i.e. have a bad day, develop a block or...
  9. T

    WAG Wrist pain after injury

    Have they checked the rest of her arm? My daughter had a wrist injury last April. Got cleared to go back to the gym but always seemed to have pain. She was seeing one PT who thought the wrist was just weak from the injury. She did several treatments with this PT, did her home exercises...
  10. T

    WAG Gifts for coaches?

    Today DD's gym sent out an email saying that USAG has a rule forbidding individual gymnasts from giving coaches gifts. I have searched for a while for this rule but all I can find is a Safe Sport policy saying coaches shouldn't give gifts to gymnasts. I'm just wondering if anyone has...
  11. T

    WAG JO Code changes 2018-2022

    In level 6 can you do the flyaway out of a tap swing or does that incur extra swing deductions?
  12. T

    WAG Upgrades for Junior Elite

    Wow! She looks amazing!
  13. T

    Parents Dadgumit!!

    This is my favorite thread of the week, not because I like hearing about lost skills but because it puts them into perspective. My kiddo has been on a bit of a skill losing extravaganza. Bwobhs on beam, cast away fly away, giants, free hip to handstand, yurchenko entry on vault, they've all...
  14. T

    WAG JO Code changes 2018-2022

    Awe man, my kid was really hoping to moonwalk out of her vault this year!
  15. T

    Parents Advice on Funding?

    First, congrats to your daughters! It sounds like they are talented and motivated. Secondly, I have to agree with the crowd here, as the mother of a newly minted optional gymnast I can tell you that the costs only get worse. I would suggest talking to your gym, some programs offer payment...