That's nice that you can do that. But the Illinois High School Association (IHSA) does not allow an athlete to participate in both on a club a team and high school team simultaneously (for practice OR competitions) for any sport without a special, event specific, petition. I'm curious as to...
My Freshman daughter who is XP has been competing with her highschool team this year. I understand that the IHSA girls gymnastic season and the USAG Illinois Season run concurrently and there a means by which a IHSA gymnastic can compete in a USAG meet during the same overlapping season...
Age 3-5 rec classes
Age 5 invited to join preteam. DD's coach anxiety kicked in and she refused to ever go back to the gym bc she was afraid of the team coach and she didn't like that anyone was watching her.
Age 6 constant cartwheels and handstands around the house
Age 7 return to rec classes...
She was never casted but had a mobile splint. For her specific injury the current practice is not to cast since that prevent use of hte elbow. They wanted her moving the elboy (safely) as quickly as possible. I'd guess your DDs cast will come off quickly but they'll splint her afterward. My...
My daughter dislocated her elbow and had a slight hairline fracture (no surgery). Her accident was in December 2021 and she did not return to the gym until May 2022. she has not yet regained full range of motion. She cannot bend her elbow completely (can't touch her shoulder) although she...
How is it that this is danger for girls but not boys? I just don't understand at all. Not holding you responsible. But I just find this line of thinking very problematic.
Mymeetscores seems to have be modified a little. I have can no longer find anyway to search by gymnast. Am I just missing something or is this a change that was made?
My DD had a flukey, yet serious elbow injury last December and missed the entire season. She continued to go to practice, had a conditioning checklist that she did everyday and worked those parts of her routine that were not affected by her injury (mostly leaps). She was finally cleared to...
This is the crux of my issue. Except that I don't find it understandable at all. This gym isn't just owned by a person interested in gymnastics. Its owned by a team, investors who know how the business world works.
As for whether or not a parent watches gymnastics practice.....that's not...
This more of a vent than anything else.
The SpotTv at my daughter's gym has not been functioning since before Thanksgiving. The gym is closed to parents and there is zero ability to view what is happening at practice. I find this so frustrating. I want to be able to see that COVID precautions...
I completely agree with you both. when DD was 7 I chose (I say "I" because she was too young at the time to make the decision herself) xcel for her instead of JO. I felt that Xcel offered all the benefits and little of the negatives of competitive gymnastics. But over the years they have...
if your only hesitation is team mates, I wouldn't worry about that. She'll make new friends on the Gold team and not forget her old team too.
My daughter started on Bronze with a team of 5. 3 quit, my daughter moved to silver and other team mate repeated Bronze. my daughter was then on a team...
I had my 10yo listen to it. I felt it was important for her to hear (and discuss with me) what is considered emotionally and physically abusive in the gym. Since I can't be in the gym with her, I want her to recognize wrong behavior on the part of the coaches. At 10yo she is completely...
All of you who are paying just to be nice, what is your tuition? I pay $475/mos for 9hrs Xcel. I cant imagine paying this out when the gym is closed just because.