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I've decided to quit gymnastics for a little while because of an irritating situation going on at my gym. The coaches and gym owners just won't organize class times so that everyone gets a fair share of time and space. They just open 4 hours a day and have people coming in to practice. And since mid-April - May, the place has been overcrowded. All of a sudden these two teams came and got the run of the place. They haven't even attended regularly until a few months ago. Now I understand that the team gets priority, especially when they have meets coming up and need to practice. But their attitudes suck. They actually tell off other kids for using apparatus during "their exclusive" practice time! And when the team gets the run of the small gym with not enough equipment, the rest of us who aren't on the team get no time or space to practice. We're left to find any empty corner we can find for stretching, conditioning, and wall handstands. I don't know why they can't just exercise common sense and taking turns. And I don't know why the gym owners and coaches are too stubborn to change the way they're running things.
I've been putting up with it as long as I can but I cracked and haven't gone to gym for the past 2 months or so (and I didn't feel like coming on here much being now uninvolved in the sport. It was kind of depressing you know). I don't want to pay for no coaching and a corner to stretch in. I stretch and condition at home, every day, no charge. No coaching worked in the beggining for us adults who had gymnastics previously. We just worked on what we remembered but now we want to learn new things that will require a spot. Total begginers get discouraged and quit. Even a whole bunch of kids quit because they're parents didn't want to pay for them getting sidelined by a team full of brats.
I think everyone paying for lessons or practice time and space should get the attention that's promised them. But since it's not worth going anymore, I'm back to training myself at home instead of at the gym again. But if I ever feel like working front and back tucks or using the stahl bars...grr! And that overcrowded gym is the only one in my area.
How frustrating! Perhaps they will do something about it as more and more people like you quit going. I am certain that if the team monopolizes the space,and enough people quit, then the team alone won't be enough for the gym to stay open! We have to compete for space with the girls and boys teams at my gym, a for part of the year the rhythmic team as well, but thankfully they make sure to not monopolize the whole gym at once. Still frustrating though when they get the better equipment, and us adult who are far more likely to injure ourselves end up with the old, hard floor... I can't do tumbling on it because of joint concerns, so those times I am so limited on what I can work on, and we pay plenty for the use of the gym.

Anyways I am sorry to hear you had to quit! Maybe you an call and see if they have been able to work out a schedule?

i'm sorry catya! that sounds really annoying, not to mention unprofessional!! have you tried talking to the owners or coaches? or maybe getting other frustrated members like yourself to organize and talk to them (they might have a tendency to listen if a large group of people are complaining). is there any other gym you can go to? i hope you're able to work something out, because i know doing stuff at home is just not the same as going to a class.
Sorry Catya!
I'm getting very frustrated with the state of gymnastics in general myself. There is far too much emphasis on young gymnasts ever since Nadia became an Olympic Champion at age 14! Not everyone has the talent Nadia had. She was unique and in my opinion no gymnast has come close to her talent since. Young girls are being pushed too hard and forced to grow up to soon. Injuries are rampant because of the over training of youngsters. It's sad.
Gymnastics is in a rut and I can only hope that FIG realizes this. Gyms don't take anyone over 18 years old seriously. Although I proved everyone wrong about age with my accomplishments, in spite of the attitudes towards me, the sport still seems reluctant to change. Creativity in routines is practically nonexistent and a lot of talented older gymnasts are being given the cold shoulder. Enough is enough! It breaks my heart to hear of such terrible stories and circumstances so many gymnasts who love this sport are put through.
I have done my best to try to help this sport in many ways. Old ways die hard and I still see too many coaches with a closed mind that is hurting our sport.
Keep training at home to stay strong and flexible. Adult gymnasts are wise enough to know what to do or not to do in home training. I will continue myself to get strong and more flexible at home. I'm still determined to compete again when I'm 50 and I know with patience I will do it. Someone has to buck the system to wake people up!
Please keep us all updated, Catya. We're on your side! Send me messages, please, and stay in touch. You go girl! :)
Catya, I am sorry to hear that you are having such a tough time with it right now! Do you think maybe things will slow down again once the kids go back to school? Keep up with the strength training and such, I hope it works out for you!
Thank you all so much for your response and support! I'd like to hope things will work out at the gym, but realistically, it looks like the stubborn coaches and owners will keep being unproffessional. It's been going on for some time now. In fact, one coach quit last month because the senior team monopolized the place and she couldn't get the time and space to train her kids. And some of the kids quit because they missed her. Shame the owners just let the senior team monopolize the place. If they allowed those kids to get trained up, they would've had a really good team to send to last month's meet. But their loss.
Looks like I will be coming here often again. I'll need someplace to get home training advice and inspiration. But I'm keeping my chin up and I'll manage. :) Thanks again, everyone!

I am sorry I got to this thread late, but I really feel for you. It's almost worse to have had a gym and then have it taken away than to never have had it at all. It sounds like you are motivated to stay in shape on your own at home which is great, but I really hope something changes for you and there is another way for you to do gymnastics. I'm sorry :(

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