Parents 4 year old

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May 23, 2013
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hey all,
so i'm new here! we just started my 4 year old dd in a prek gymnastics class.. had her trial class yesterday and she did so good! maybe im just bragging but she listened so well and picked up right away to everything that they were teaching her to do.. so the start of the official session is june 3rd, and i was just wondering what to expect, what kind of progression kids make? does it help them sleep? are they better listeners because of these classes? do you stay and watch your young kids? i saw alot of parents reading and not even watching so i wonder if that will become normal, because i was hovering at the window the whole time lol. any advice or tips or stories would be wonderful!
Hi & Welcome, though I am also relatively new here and mostly just a lurker. My older daughter is 4 and started gymnastics last fall at 3 1/2. I've found that gymnastics has been great for her to develop confidence and find new ways to run around, climb, and jump on things at home. She has always been an active kid, but a bit careful about anything that scared her. Now she has become really adventurous and I think a bit less timid- but it's hard to tell how much of that is due to gymnastics and how much is just her growing up. She also has a daredevil little sister and I think that has pushed her a bit too- can't let the 2 year old get ahead of her!

I don't really get to spend time watching my 4 yo in gym class, unfortunately, because I attend a parent & tot class with my younger daughter at the same time. But I always try to sneak a glance here and there. It's really cool when I catch her doing something I didn't know she could do! I love watching her on bars because that's where she seems to be most comfortable and she has learned the most- she went from being scared when the coach helped her do an "around the world" (i'm sure that's not the real name for it) to doing them by herself and doing pullovers with just a little help. She's great at forward and backward rolls and can walk on the high beam unassisted- she couldn't do any of that when she started. She's still trying to do a handstand and a cartwheel but I don't see that being emphasized in the preschool classes at our gym.

I don't think one 45 minute gymnastics class per week has helped DD with sleep that much- though she has been a good sleeper since before gym. I think it is helping her learn to take instruction from other people, though she still balks at that. She's always saying she wants to go to gymnastics and dance and have no teacher/coach- she just wants to play. Although she seems to follow directions well when she is actually in a class situation. Her preschool teachers have said she has a good attention span and listens, her main issue is that she hates being told how to do something that she wants to figure out- for this reason she took FOREVER to be able to use scissors, and she still has a terrible pencil grip. I wonder how this is playing out in her gymnastics classes, though both of her coaches seem to like her.

I'm really glad to have my little ones in gymnastics- I enjoy watching gymnastics much more than dance class, and I don't quite understand the parents who sit around glued to their phones. I like watching all the kids. It's partly why I'm in this community- I find it fascinating. Probably because I'm a bit jealous- I wanted to do gymnastics as a kid but my parents just weren't interested. But maybe after a couple of years of watching tumbling drills I'll be bored too and bring a book :).
Welcome:)! I'm glad your DD ejoys her gym class. Since she is 4 parents will likely stay and watch. You will adventually not hover at the window. But it's always fun and entertaining when you little one starts something new!;)
thank you both for your replies! im so excited for her to start being active, she has a TON of energy to burn, unfortunately yesterday she had to stop halfway through due to a fever catching up with her. her sister was sick a few days before and that was ironicly the day she got it. i also have a 2 year old dd and she was not happy she wasnt allowed to join lol. i want to do a mommy and me class but unfortunately this one is all i can afford at the moment since we're moving soon.
Check to see if your ( or another nearby) gym has a toddler open gym. Both your girls could play on the mats without the coaching.
It is always very exciting when our kids start out. Most of us are amazed at what our kids can do off the bat and how quickly they learn things. Plus they are so darn cute tumbling around in their leos. Gosh, I even enjoyed just watching my daughter sitting listening to the coach. Things and emotions change at every progression. It will start with us just not able to take our eyes off them because of excitment. Then we start worrying or wondering how their progress compares to everyone else. Then we start wanting them to do well at kmeets. As the skills get harder, we start worrying if they'll be able to successfully do a skill at meets. We start holding our breath, clutching at anything. By L9 and L10, I just sit there numb and just praying she does not hurt herself. :-) It is all good though. Welcome and try to enjoy the ride!
Welcome! When my dd was starting out I had to bring her 2 older siblings so I put them in a rec class for part of the time and they finished the rest of their homework until she was finished. Enjoy the journey that you are all now on. 4theloveofsports you expressed the journey highlights perfectly lol. :)
My DD also started at age 4. I always loved watching her class. She is now 10 and on team, and I STILL love watching her! Because of the number of hours she is there, I don't always stay, but I do try to stay and watch her once a week or so. I love watching her compete as well. It's one of those things that is both extremely nerve-wracking, but super fun......all at the same time. LOL I hope your little one loves her class!
Yep, kids of all ages tend to sleep pretty well on gymnastics days. It's one of the reason some parents keep coming back. They finally go to bed easily!

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