Parents A really weird question about teeth...

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Proud Parent
Jan 21, 2015
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DD is scheduled to get a series of orthodontic work done during comp season. No one I know has braces and I have no one to ask about their experiences, is it likely to be something that will affect her? Obviously it will be kinda painful, but it's not her legs or arms or anything she needs, LOL. Just wondering what to sort of expect?

Told you it was weird..
Following. My gymnast will need braces or some other kind of orthodontia sometime in the near future.
My daughter will also need them soon. My son has them and often after he has an appointment he is in pain for a few days. When he first got them he was in a lot of pain too. I think I'm going to put them off for my daughter until after meet season just to be on the safe side.
One of my DDs teammates had her braces off a week ago. She competed with them on last season. She had them off in the middle of a practice and came back and finished the day.
I had braces as a child. It can be distracting the first couple of days that they've been tightened, and I know I found it hard to sleep the night of a new tightening. I'd advise not scheduling orthodontic appointments within 48 hours before a meet just in case, but otherwise, your kiddo should be fine.
Didn't hold this gymnast back:;)
Just had an orthodontic appt TODAY for my older DD who is a competitive dancer. I asked the same question! I was told that there will be discomfort and pain for about the first 3-4 days initially and then the same after every time they tighten/adjust the braces. He suggested making those appointments (as well as the very first one) during an "off" week where she does not have performances. I wanted to wait until her competition season is totally over but he said it shouldn't affect her to a major degree.
Here was my daughter's experience with braces...

Day 1: excitement, wasn't painful, was easier than she thought. Went to gym practice. All is well...
Evening 1: the braces start moving the teeth... pressure and aching begins and now it hurts enough to interfere with pretty much everything... give advil or tylenol and try to sleep...
Days 2-6: Still achy as teeth are moving. Keep taking the advil, goes to practice, but is a bit moody because it is achy... isn't at her best, but doesn't miss anything (didn't have a competition)...

After about a week, the aching subsides, and she is normal again. Yay!

Occasionally, the braces will catch on her cheek and cause some abrasion (like biting your cheek), but not often. She has wax to put on her tooth if she needs it (rare).

After adjustments (about every 2-3 months in her case), she has some aches and pressure, but not nearly as much as that first week and she always goes to practice or competes. Advil or tylenol if needed, but usually doesn't.
Seconding Sasha. After the braces are on, a dose of ibuprofen or Tylenol now and then easily keeps the minor pain from adjustments in check.
Tylenol or Motrin. Schedule appts earlier in the week. Not fun at adjustment time but highly manageable
We are just about to embark on this.
I've got the spacers scheduled for the day after we get back from a meet, and the braces themselves scheduled for the next monday. The next meet is two weekends away.
I totally did this on purpose. Because even if the pain isn't too much, she's very cerebral, and it would definitely affect her, whether it really did or not ;)

I was also told to schedule the braces for later in the day, closer to gym practice. That the pain won't really start until after practice. (sidenote: I also had to schedule a vaccine for her that hurts, so I scheduled it for that morning. Might as well kill all the birds in one day!)

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