My daughter broke her left mid forearm both bones completely, was able to be reset closed reduction- no surgery back the end of August. she is a lefty gymnast. She was determined to tryout for preteam this coming May 2025, but now has half the time to get back where she was and improve from there. She started PT this last week finally and was given okay to return to gymnastics as tolerated. her current gym has agreed to do private lessons (current plan for 4 30 min sessions) even tho they typically don't except for team girls since her injury was so serious, then return to her rec classes in January. another gym has agreed to offer her private lessons ongoing. Should I let her do the privates at the other gym after January while resuming her rec classes at home gym? I have noticed people say it is a big no to train at 2 gyms but she is at this point still only in rec... does this make a difference? there are not alot of big gyms near us, so don't want to burn any bridges...