Baby grand on uneven bars?

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Learning Parent GB

Proud Parent
May 21, 2013
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I'm trying to track down a video of a skill and, as most I find are American, I wondered if it is one of those things that has different names either side of the pond. But I might also have the name completely wrong, so I wondered if you can help me or correct me or laugh at me if you want ;-) After a squat on, DD jumps to the top bar and her legs swing under then she pulls her hips up and feet go over the top bar so she ends up finishing a bit like a back circle. She calls it a babygram. I assumed she had misheard and thought it could be a babygrand. What is it really?
If I'm reading you correctly, she meant to say baby giant.
She definitely meant baby giant :) Although strictly speaking, I'm pretty sure a baby giant is where you start in front support on the high bar and then have to cast away and swing all the way round and back over into front support. They call what your dd did something else at my dd's gym, a swing pullover maybe, or something like that, but she's at school and for the life of me I can't quite remember.
According to Pink and Fluffy there is a "baby giant" and a "3/4 giant"

a baby giant you cast to handstand, push away, swing round and end in front support;

a 3/4 giant is the same without the cast to handstand -

or so she tells me :rolleyes:
I knew dd sometimes talked about 3/4 giants and sometimes baby giants. I've just asked her what the difference is and she said there isn't one, it's just different coaches calling them one or the other. Not sure about that. Your explanation sounds more likely Margo, but even so - baby giants (and 3/4 giants) start in front support on the high bar. Sooooo the squat on, jump, circle up in the op... according to dd is called either a wraparound or a swing pullover according to the coach. Is it any wonder I have no idea what she is talking about half the time!!
sounds to me like :

squat on, catch, circle up.
It's also called a "long hang pull-over".
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Well, as it isn't a recognised move in the FIG code of points I think you can pretty much call it whatever you want! lol

We call it a 3/4 circle at our club.
The NDP grades book just describes it - swing forward and circle over bar to front support.

I didn't think there was a difference between 3/4 giant and baby giant either, at our gym they both come from front support and finish in front support - the cast gets bigger as the gymnasts get more confident!

I think your daughter's coaches must call it baby giant!
This is quite a nice one:
and this one at 6.51
I liked watching those for how neat and straight the girls' form was. They both had an extra swing before the pullover bit though. DD goes over the first time like that last video link I posted. Well, she should. She has had a wobbly patch with her squat on and focussing on that meant she lost the next bit. Sometimes watching a video helps her visualise what she should be doing, hence me searching for one to look at. I got lots of piano videos come up too - but none actually on the bars!! I am now interested that it is part of the compulsory routine for level 4. I thought they were moving towards doing more work on a single bar until the higher levels?
In the compulsory 4 routines you were required to put the extra swing in, even if you could go straight over. I think it's giant prep and shows how high you can swing. You are right that the new compulsory routines are focusing on single bar work, but they haven't been competed yet, so videos from now on will look very different. dd is hasn't been doing 'squat ons' for a few weeks, other than a couple quickly to stretch jump off the single rail to make sure they don't lose it. Very different and she misses the 'flying' bit!

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