Parents Backlash from parents for helping

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Proud Parent
Jun 6, 2008
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I do A LOT of volunteer work for my children's program. We do not have a Booster because the structure of our program, which is part of a bigger entity, does not allow for one. All of the responsibilities rest on the director, and coaches. As a result and because of my love for gymnastics, I have really involved myself in helping the staff wherever they need help. I work full time in management, so I also have a knack for managing parents expectations, and am good at being diplomatic.
Over the last 7 years, I have done many fundraisers, ordered apparel, helped with leotards and sizing, ordered t shirts, etc.....all because I love to do it, and I direct my CGM energy positively and I do exactly what they request........

There is a group of 4 parents, bad apples, that all they do is complain. Go against ANY idea, any change.....any email, there is ALWAYS an immediate backlash. I always tell them to 'get involved' and 'let's change things for the better!' but NO! they never actually DO any work. They complain, but are not willing to WORK to change anything or help anybody. It has become about THEM, and their beliefs....not about their kids! They don't care about working WITH the director to help. They want to do things their way and make everything take 10x longer....if someone has an idea, this group always has a better idea, but it never comes to fruition and they don't get the job done!!!!!

Don't they have anything better to do?????

I don't understand what they want!!!! All I know if that I really feel I have made a positive contribution to the program and the coaches and director have told me so.....and now I just want to stop being 'involved' and mind my own business.....they have made helping a true misery....

Thanks for letting me vent......
That must be so frustrating and draining, when you're putting in so much effort! What a shame people like that have to try to ruin all your hard work...and your enjoyment, as well.

It probably sounds like cold advice - but don't let them. Hold your head high and be proud of what you do. Unfortunately, you can't change how people behave, or react...but at least you know you are doing something positive for those who do deserve it, and for the kids. They are lucky to have you!
If all they are doing is talking and not actually doing anything, you can probably just ignore them and move on.
The problem here is that you will ALWAYS have people like this around. Working in management, I'm sure you know this. These are the people who want you to bend over backwards for them and screw the "good of the many". Can you change them? No. You might shut them up for a while by snapping one day and telling them "You don't like it? Get in here and do something. Oh! But you won't do that, will you, because it's easier to sit on your arse and complain. Go away and don't come back until you can be a productive member of society.".

It doesn't surprise me at all that there are 4 of them. Negativity feeds that type of group and like is attracted to like. Honestly all you can do is ignore them and surround yourself with the (hopefully more) parents who ARE willing to help out and be positive influences.

Though I must admit, I would be tempted to channel my inner Passive Aggressive and hand off the next project to Mouth #1 saying as sugary sweet as I can "Thank you SO MUCH for volunteering to spearhead this project. It's going to be SUCH hard work, but since you always have ideas on how to do everything, I'm sure you're up for the task. Here are your deadlines. Enjoy!". But I'm a witch sometimes and not known for keeping my mouth shut.
LOLOLOLLL I already did this...just now as a matter of fact!
Thanks so much for emailing me, please get a quote and run with it.

Don't forget to e-mail in a couple of days and ask how her progress has been.

"I don't mean to bother you, but how is it going? I know some of the other parents wouldn't understand how important all of this is, but I know YOU do since you're always so on-the-spot with recommendations!"
Agree with everything BecauseIsaid has said!
Managing one at our gym who thinks she is in charge by total inclusion, lots of minuting and follow through, at the end of the day these people will be noted for what they are.
Oh and make sure if you do any work that it's copied to someone else so they can't take credit for it now that you are making them do stuff.
Don't forget to e-mail in a couple of days and ask how her progress has been.

"I don't mean to bother you, but how is it going? I know some of the other parents wouldn't understand how important all of this is, but I know YOU do since you're always so on-the-spot with recommendations!"

oh the evils you can enjoy with this to get your own back. Love it.

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