- Aug 3, 2009
- 1,035
- 535
Things have been so crazy here since right before Easter. Non-stop. First we went to Jersey to visit the kids grandma (their dad's mom). Came home Monday (left Jersey Monday morning..made it to Tn..knoxville area around midnight..then had to stop) through the storms and tornadoes. Not a fun adventure.(had to stay over in TN for few hours before we could hit the road again). Got home, (tuesday morning) and thank the Lord all our family and friends, and property made it through fairly well. Couple trees down in our back yard..but no damage to the house. And everyBODY we know was safe and well. (thats the most important part). Another set of bad storms/tornadoes came through tuesday afternoon/evening. Not as bad as the ones that went through here Monday..but the other states to the east of us really got the brunt end of those. (so many hurt and killed..breaks my heart)
Then we had about 3 or 4 days of rain..just downpours at times. My back yard was flooded (alot of flash flooding)..the water was rushing down the hill in my back yard so fast and with such force it broke my chain link fence. But again..such a small price to pay compared to others. The lakes and rivers are still in bad shape. Everything is flooded..some past the flood levels and they are releasing water from lakes upstate and in MO and such..so its still filling up here. The COE actually closed public access to the lakes here because the water level is going up fast enough that just because you parked your truck at such and such with the boat trailer when you come back a few hours later..your truck might not be there any more. This happened to a couple of old duffers who went out fishing in the morning came back in the afternoon and the truck was almost under water..just the top of the cab was sticking out. Luckely they had cell phones and were able to call for help. They came out in boats to get them, because even the access road to the ramp and parking lot were now under water. (makes you wonde why someone would even want to go out when the water is rising that fast..youd have to notice it rising up on the banks around you, you would think..i dunno)
In the meantime..my laptop decided it didnt want to work anymore. Kadee had been having horrible problems with allergies..i assumed hay fever..pollen..ect. Its that time of year. They did a blood test on her and we found out when we got back that it was milk and wheat she is allergic to. I dont want to doubt what the tests say. But the kid is almost 6..why was there no sign of this prior to now? She was really bad for about 2 wks (same time period i was..and i have horrible allergies in spring..thats why i thought it was her problem too)..thats when I had her tested..took over a week for the test to come back..by that time she went back to being fine (hasnt had a flare up since..neither have i)..and everything was pretty much bloomed and the pollen count was back to normal. I think I might get her tested again..because I just dont get it. What I found odd, was the Dr. said the test would just be outside influences..and that it wouldnt test for food or anything like that. So, if thats the case why did the nurse call and say the tests said she had food allergies. I should have questioned it then..but it was in the middle of all this other stuff going on..and i didnt really stop and think about it till afterwards. I keep going back and forth on what to do with her. She is such a picky eater and dairy is one thing she is fine with..dairy and vegies...and things like wheat bread, buns, pasta..she prefers sunchips over potato chips..ect.. Shes not a big meat eater. Maybe because she is so stuck on this stuff its why shes "overloaded" to a point? She has a pretty balanced diet..she really does..she just doesnt do the meat deal very well. And at their school..they really push the dairy and wheat (vrs white). I dont want to have to medicate her. But I dont want to have to change her diet either. I just feel the best thing is to take her back in have more blood drawn (she wont be happy) and redo this. I just dont know how she could all the sudden become so allergic to two things she NEVER showed signs of being allergic to in her 6 yrs of life ..it last two weeks then goes away again. And I, who am horrible around pollen and such had the same reaction she did durnign those two weeks. Something is out of whack somewhere along the line. If the test comes back that way again..the I will do what I have to..but its just my Mommy gut saying something isnt right.
Then my son decided that he was going to jump out of the club house part of their swing set to the monkey bars. He doesnt get ahold of the bar all the way..his hands slip and he takes a header into the top rung of the ladder at the other end of the monkey bars. Busts his forehead open. Right smack in the middle. So he had a 2 inch gash..that was to the bone. (not that it had far to go on the forehead..lol). Ended up with 6 stitches in his forehead.
So things have been spinning for over a couple weeks here. I miss you all. I hope to be able to get back on here and start reading what every one else has been up to. Hope everyone is doing well.
Even though things seem so hectic..we are truely blessed to only have the minor problems we do. So many folks are in a whole lot worse shape right now.
On the upside..Kadee graduates from Kindergarten May 19th. My sweet baby girl is growing up so fast. Her and one other team girl (the only two on the team that go to this particular primary school) get to put on a show at the school...to show everyone what they have learned this year..she is so excited about that.
Plus they are having their Victory games at the gym the last week of May. They get to show off a little of the uptraining they have been doing and the gym give them all a trophy..and gives them each a certificate which says they are the best.."whatever"..some its a skill..some its just best smile, attitude..ect. They find something special about each girl..so no one gets the same "award". So IM looking forward to seeing just what all she has been learning since March.
Sorry this is so long..and probably rambling..like normal..bahahha
Then we had about 3 or 4 days of rain..just downpours at times. My back yard was flooded (alot of flash flooding)..the water was rushing down the hill in my back yard so fast and with such force it broke my chain link fence. But again..such a small price to pay compared to others. The lakes and rivers are still in bad shape. Everything is flooded..some past the flood levels and they are releasing water from lakes upstate and in MO and such..so its still filling up here. The COE actually closed public access to the lakes here because the water level is going up fast enough that just because you parked your truck at such and such with the boat trailer when you come back a few hours later..your truck might not be there any more. This happened to a couple of old duffers who went out fishing in the morning came back in the afternoon and the truck was almost under water..just the top of the cab was sticking out. Luckely they had cell phones and were able to call for help. They came out in boats to get them, because even the access road to the ramp and parking lot were now under water. (makes you wonde why someone would even want to go out when the water is rising that fast..youd have to notice it rising up on the banks around you, you would think..i dunno)
In the meantime..my laptop decided it didnt want to work anymore. Kadee had been having horrible problems with allergies..i assumed hay fever..pollen..ect. Its that time of year. They did a blood test on her and we found out when we got back that it was milk and wheat she is allergic to. I dont want to doubt what the tests say. But the kid is almost 6..why was there no sign of this prior to now? She was really bad for about 2 wks (same time period i was..and i have horrible allergies in spring..thats why i thought it was her problem too)..thats when I had her tested..took over a week for the test to come back..by that time she went back to being fine (hasnt had a flare up since..neither have i)..and everything was pretty much bloomed and the pollen count was back to normal. I think I might get her tested again..because I just dont get it. What I found odd, was the Dr. said the test would just be outside influences..and that it wouldnt test for food or anything like that. So, if thats the case why did the nurse call and say the tests said she had food allergies. I should have questioned it then..but it was in the middle of all this other stuff going on..and i didnt really stop and think about it till afterwards. I keep going back and forth on what to do with her. She is such a picky eater and dairy is one thing she is fine with..dairy and vegies...and things like wheat bread, buns, pasta..she prefers sunchips over potato chips..ect.. Shes not a big meat eater. Maybe because she is so stuck on this stuff its why shes "overloaded" to a point? She has a pretty balanced diet..she really does..she just doesnt do the meat deal very well. And at their school..they really push the dairy and wheat (vrs white). I dont want to have to medicate her. But I dont want to have to change her diet either. I just feel the best thing is to take her back in have more blood drawn (she wont be happy) and redo this. I just dont know how she could all the sudden become so allergic to two things she NEVER showed signs of being allergic to in her 6 yrs of life ..it last two weeks then goes away again. And I, who am horrible around pollen and such had the same reaction she did durnign those two weeks. Something is out of whack somewhere along the line. If the test comes back that way again..the I will do what I have to..but its just my Mommy gut saying something isnt right.
Then my son decided that he was going to jump out of the club house part of their swing set to the monkey bars. He doesnt get ahold of the bar all the way..his hands slip and he takes a header into the top rung of the ladder at the other end of the monkey bars. Busts his forehead open. Right smack in the middle. So he had a 2 inch gash..that was to the bone. (not that it had far to go on the forehead..lol). Ended up with 6 stitches in his forehead.
So things have been spinning for over a couple weeks here. I miss you all. I hope to be able to get back on here and start reading what every one else has been up to. Hope everyone is doing well.
Even though things seem so hectic..we are truely blessed to only have the minor problems we do. So many folks are in a whole lot worse shape right now.
On the upside..Kadee graduates from Kindergarten May 19th. My sweet baby girl is growing up so fast. Her and one other team girl (the only two on the team that go to this particular primary school) get to put on a show at the school...to show everyone what they have learned this year..she is so excited about that.
Plus they are having their Victory games at the gym the last week of May. They get to show off a little of the uptraining they have been doing and the gym give them all a trophy..and gives them each a certificate which says they are the best.."whatever"..some its a skill..some its just best smile, attitude..ect. They find something special about each girl..so no one gets the same "award". So IM looking forward to seeing just what all she has been learning since March.
Sorry this is so long..and probably rambling..like normal..bahahha