Parents Bella funny

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Proud Parent
Oct 9, 2012
Reaction score
This morning on the way to school, Bella told me that she was nervous about Circle of Stars this weekend. She was nervous about, well ummmm...... farting when she jumps to the high bar. I told her she would just need to forget about it and keep spinning.

Then she kind of mumbled to herself, "I wonder how big of a deduction it will be if it stinks?"

Kid cracks me up.
Now that made me laugh out loud!
That actually happened to a girl at a meet this weekend. My daughter and her friends who were watching right in front of the bars did not react at the time (thank goodness!) but afterward they kept giggling and saying: "Now THAT was a release move!"
Hahaha! I'd think that would be very distracting!
Bwahahaha!!! That's hilarious! Maryn is notorious for tooting while sliding down into splits. She will then tell me, "That was silent but deadly." Lol. She and Bella would get along great ;)
Thanks for the laugh out loud moment! Needed that this morning.
Well, that ought to make you smile again when she's on the bars this weekend. :D Hope she has fun this weekend!
Too funny! A friend's level 5 DD was doing tiny little dive-forward-rolls at meets... way smaller than she was doing at practice. When her mom mentioned that her floor score was suffering because of this she said, "I know, but I'm afraid that people will be able to see my butt." A little toupe tape (or similar) and her dive-forward-roll magically improved 100 fold. The things our kids worry about!
Lol! Ds told me that one day he was doing those back extensions where the coach holds their legs and he tooted in the coaches face! All the boys laughed.
That is too funny. Kids do say the darndest things.
Kadee has horrible gas. That kid drives me bananas. I asked her if she does that in gym and she said yeah..and just kinda shrugged.
One day her Coach asked why we call her Beans. So, I She just laughed and said that made perfect sense. (I'm guessing she has experienced Kadee's "issue" And now she calls her Beans
That is too funny. Kids do say the darndest things.
Kadee has horrible gas. That kid drives me bananas. I asked her if she does that in gym and she said yeah..and just kinda shrugged.
One day her Coach asked why we call her Beans. So, I She just laughed and said that made perfect sense. (I'm guessing she has experienced Kadee's "issue" And now she calls her Beans
It's probably diet related, though it can be a bit of a pain to figure out what's causing it (dairy, beans, etc). A food and gas journal might help you pin it down. I didn't learn that I was lactose intolerant until I was nearly 30. Just assumed I had a lot of gas.
My 4 year olds first day practicing with her pre-team (she was 3 at the time) and the coach was being playful and picked her up and had her sitting on his shoulder... I was watching from the observation room, and all the sudden he makes this sour face and quickly puts her down and waves his hands around. Yeah she farted on his shoulder LOL. Way to make a good impression.

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