WAG Cant figure it out!

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My friend got recommended to team by one of the coaches, even though her legs aren't strait in the cartwheels and she cant to a round off yet. However, i can, she's good at bars though, and bars is my 2nd best event. Does anyone know how she got recommended to the level 4 team?
Not a coach here, but I do know they look at a lot more than straight legs when picking a girl for team. It could be she is very coachable, make corrections immediately, follows directions, listens well, strength, flexablity, natural talent, sometimes it is just plain personality, etc... I don't know specifically what your coaches are looking for. My oldest was past up on team for one year because she didn't listen well. The coach were flat out honest about it, which I respect. Honestly, I wouldn't worry about your team mate. Instead, I would focus on what you can do to make yourself a better candidate. Maybe ask you coaches what they are looking for.
The best thing you can do is ask, or get your parents to ask, the coaches what it takes to be on team.
Not sure what sort of gym you are at, but ours is the type which will give all gymnasts a chance if they show and interest! (some ability helps too!)
We have trials every 3 months for our squads, and about 6 months ago we asked some girls to trial. One girl was a bit upset that her friends had been asked and she hadn't. It wasn't anything personal to her, it was just that at that point none of the coaches had recommended her. Anyway, this girl's mum phoned up and asked if her daughter might have a chance to trial and we said of course - As it turns out she is one of the best, most coachable girls who trialed! Sometimes (wrongly) in large groups some talents go under the radar, especially if the gymnast is quiet/introverted, so it is always worth asking!

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