Anonymous (2ddc)
So recently, I hurt my knee at practice. At the time, my coaches were really kind and nice to me. One of them sat with me and talked to me. I couldn't really walk and had to skip practice for 2 weeks. When I came back last Wednesday, my 3 other coaches were very nice and understanding and gave me modified assignments and conditioning lists to do. I had a stress fracture on the same leg earlier this year in January, so I am kind of familiar with being injured and what I am supposed to do at practice while injured. So this week comes, and on Monday, I go to practice, and another coach is there. I am not allowed to run, so I was going up to her about to ask her what I should do to warm-up, and she just yelled at me to go sit. That day, she left early so she didn't coach me, and my other coaches were nicer when I asked them what to do, and they gave me conditioning assignments. Last practice, another coach was there, who was really nice to me when I got hurt. However, this practice, the coach mentioned before and this coach were just ignoring me. During vault, I went up to ask her if I could go get the conditioning book. She was just laughing and talking to someone else on my team, and as soon as she saw me walking towards her, she stopped laughing and stared at me, and just gave a small nod when I asked. My other coaches all asked how my knee was and how I was doing, which I get that not all coaches are this nice, but these two coaches just ignored me, and wouldn't even look at me. And apparently according to my friends, one of these coaches was laughing at me after I left the practice where I got hurt. I don't know if I am just being sensitive, but I feel like these coaches really don't like me. I don't really want to switch gyms because one of those coaches is leaving soon, and my other coaches are all super nice and supportive. I don't really know what I should do about this. Should I just ignore it for now? Sorry if this sounds dramatic and rude, but I have been dreading going to practice because of this.