Gymnasts Competition Bra

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Oct 30, 2024
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Is there a good bra that wont show through a comp Leo. The sleeves are mesh and it has a hole in the back.
Not discouraging the discussion at all, but a reminder to all: threads referencing bras and underwear consistently get a TON of non-member traffic.

Discuss with caution, and assume creeps are reading.
Is there a good bra that wont show through a comp Leo. The sleeves are mesh and it has a hole in the back.
Clear strap bras. Just make sure the band is below the hole in the back.
You could check out the company that made the leotard. They often have bras that will work with their leotards.
Clear strap bras. Just make sure the band is below the hole in the back.
You could check out the company that made the leotard. They often have bras that will work with their leotards.
Agree with this. DD uses one from Spektrum and it works just fine.

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