Parents daughters melt down

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Jan 9, 2008
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We are getting slammed by another snowstorm on the east coast. Luckily my daughters meet was canceled and postponed. I really was not looking forward to heading out for a 2 1/2 ride across Pa tonight to be there for a 8 am start in a major snowstorm. But daughter had an absolute meltdown, refusing to go to practice tonight which was not canceled( anyway I forced her to go to practice). It is nice to see her so enthusastic about the meets and all but I wish she would just relax and enjoy the sport. She seems absolutely obsessed with the meets, I even got her Taylor Swift tickets and it is a meet weekend she has already told me if the meet is at the same time she will not go to the concert because she will not miss a meet. Anyway it will be nice since the cancelled meet is scheduled for spring after States so it will be something she can look forward to. She seems to lose interest in practices after meet season is over so I quess this will keep her motivated. She seems to be the only one in her group that acts like this she is 9 soon to be 10, I think most of the girls were happy the meet was postponed. This is her 3rd year competiting so it not like this is the first year she has ever competed. Does anybody have a daughter who acts this way, do you think she will grow out of it? Are the girls who act like this the ones that last in this sport or do they just burn themselves out.
It sounds to me like maybe too much emphasis has been put on to the meet results, or maybe she just really enjoys the thrill of competition. I wouldn't worry too much at her age, but eventually she will have to understand that there is no point in competeing if she is not willing to put the time into practice.
I am sure she feels like practice is repetitive and boring, but a big part gymnastics training is conditioning and repetition to perfect skills. Elite gymnasts spend hours every day in the gym training so they can have their moment at the meet. She is still young but it probably comes down to where she wants to go with the sport-you didn't say what level she competes at, but if she intends to move up into the higher levels she will have to come to terms with the need for practice. From what I have seen, top level gymnasts usually keep friends they train with and socialize with each other, just because the nature of the training and dedication makes it hard to do this with others.

I'm in NJ and our big snow storm of the century resulted in a very depressing maybe 6 inches, LOL

I think this year my DD was a little more motivated than before because this was her first "taste" of real gymnastics. The bar routine and beam made her feel like she was doing something towards building bigger and better skills for later on. She did L4 for two years too and frankly by the end of states last year was bored with L4. Maybe your DD is like mine and just really wants to do well as a 5 and after all this practice wants to go out there and prove to herself (and others) that she is in it to win it, LOL

It's so funny because I thought when we changed gyms/coaches her motivation would decrease, but I don't think it mattered where we went or with who as long as they accepted her as a L5. She is very motivated now, even after states to learned bigger and better skills. We did notice that a couple friends who came along with us didn't quite feel the same motivation, so I imagine it depends on the child. Mine was up for the challege while some others struggled with their motivation this season. Also, my DD loves meets, she gets really excited, really wants to make improvements from previous ones. Maybe your DD also wants to see those results improve each meet? It's hard for me to understand sometimes, even being the adult, because it's not a sport I ever did and don't understand. After three yrs I know I wouldn't feel like being in the gym all the time, and don't understand HOW they stay so focused and motivated all the time, but I wouldn't worry about it too much. Tell her there is sure to be a new one to practice for coming up soon of you are in the middle of meet season, LOL
that's neat that she enjoys competitions so much--I hope she likes them even when she doesn't finish at the top (I don't recall if she's used to being the best or not ;) ). Beth enjoys meets and wouldn't consider skipping one--for a concert or not. Heck, her coaches would really be unhappy if they heard she was skipping a meet for a concert (family weddings--ok, concerts--not so much)
I think she must just really enjoy the meets and missing some just isn't okay with her. I know some kids just love the thrill of meets and since they don't do that many meets (well, in their minds, I think it is too many sometimes LOL) they don't ever want to miss out on one. Sometimes I hate our double seasons here and envy the gyms that do just one of them, but my kid misses the meets and is already itching for them to start way before I even want to think about them. :D

Though I asked my daughter and she said she would miss a meet for Taylor Swift because "I have lots of meets and I don't get to see Taylor Swift ever."
If she doesn't want to go, I'm sure you could sell her Taylor Swift tickets to other girls in the gym!!
Oh poor girl to get so excited and to feel like she is being cheated by the weather. I still feel the same way about having plans and something like a huge snowstorm getting in the way and I am almost 4 times her age. That is just personality and I think her excitement will take her a long way in gymnastics and life.
Thanks for the replies, she is happy to be back at the gym tonight. It is not that she does not like practice but I quess she was really disappointed to have the meet canceled, she did really well at that meet last year. I quess she is just like alot of your daughters out there who just really enjoys showing off what she is learning. She does not always place at the meets but she always wants to do better. As for the Taylor Swift tickets I am just hoping it is not the same night or else I may just go to the concert without her and send her to the meet with another parent.

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