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Proud Parent
Feb 10, 2007
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she gets to move up to level 4 (tryout anyway)

She didnt even get to go to practice tonight due to the concussion! To be honest I almost dont want her going back! but now I really have to let her!
Well congratualtions on the move up, she has worked very hard to get here and does deserve her chance. HOw is she feeling?
Yay, congratulations to her. She must be so excited. Hope she is feeling better.
Congrats! I did read about the concussion, but didn't get the chance to respond...but just wanted to say I can totally relate to your feelings about not wanting to go back. When my DD fell off rope last year and broke her heel she was only 7 yrs old and it really hurt me that tshe got hurt doing something she loved. I did not want her to go back, but it was right before states and she pleaded with me because she wanted to take the next step and get to L5. Here we are in L5 and still times I pick her up and she has something on ice (I swear they have an ice pack with HER name on it) and I want her to quit! But this week she was playing softball and a ball hit her in her finger and she hyper-extended it! So, really any sport you play you will be taking a risk. Hope your DD is feeling better soon, if this is something she really wants, then I say give her the opportunity she worked so hard for. It's hard sometimes for us to understand how passionate they are at such a young age, but they really are!
She is doing a little better but def still not in shcool etc yet! (She was gonna try to go this morning but was in tears!so we are gonna try the afternoon instead)

She was so excited about moving up to level 4
(I dont plan on making them quit but it really scared me! and yes they def can get hurt in any sport afterall dd got hurt in soccer the week the babe was born and she wasnt doing anything realy just tiriped on the soccerball)
Congrats to her! I am sure the injury was scary, but if she wants to do it, I would let her. I still worry about Abby getting hurt now that she actually has gotten hurt at gymnastics, but she could have done it playing as well. We can't keep them in a bubble as much as we might like to. :) Hope she feels better soon and gets to to try out for level 4!!
That's great news. I know what you are talking about being scarred.
Thanks Everyone!!

I took her back on yesterday for an eval at the dr!

We actully think its not as bad anymore that maybe its just neck muscle issues! (we know that nothing is broken etc since she did have a neck xray in the er! But looking into things more it is poss tension headaches from the muscle being so sore!
(Much nicer than a concussion in my point!)
but we are still keeping her from doing too much till she feels better!
Congrats to your dd on being invited to the L4 tryouts. I know the feeling of why do we keep doing this every time my gymmie comes home and asks for an ice pack. It is very tough to see them hurt.

I have a neck issue myself(not from gymnastics!) and it can cause headaches when the muscles spasm. Have you tried heat to her neck. Some PT might be helpful also to get the area "loosened up."
Good luck to her at the level 4 tryouts! How exciting.
And, yes, we all know they can get hurt doing anything--heck I'm going to physical therapy right now for a neck injury with daily headaches and I have NO idea how I got it! Glad to hear she might not have a concussion!
You did the right thing by having her looked at. Based on what I heard, concussion is very serious business and overlooking/ignoring it can have very serious lingering effects (and I have witnessed a couple). If it was truly a concussion, she needs to sit out for at least a few days.
You did the right thing by having her looked at. Based on what I heard, concussion is very serious business and overlooking/ignoring it can have very serious lingering effects (and I have witnessed a couple). If it was truly a concussion, she needs to sit out for at least a few days.
Thank you
Yea I am prob the over paranoid parent but my theory is their body needs to last them a long time! LOL

but seriously I dont play around with the head, neck or back!!!

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