Parents deep bruise??? any experiences out there?

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Proud Parent
Sep 10, 2016
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dd was complaining a couple of weeks ago about not being able to kips b/c of a long bruise low on her abdomen. so she wasn't able to practice anything that involved a kip (she's going into lvl 7). we went away on vacation and last week she was back and she said it hurt a little but she was able to do everything. but yesterday it started hurting again randomly. enough to where she couldn't get to vertical on her kip/CHS.

she has the rest of this week and then she's off for 2 weeks (another vacation next week and then the gym is closed the following week).

talked to her coaches about it at drop off and they said it sounded like a deep bruise. physically bruising is gone, just the pain has come back in the same area. only when she does anything that has her hitting the bar in that area. she can do anything else with no pain (no other events bother her). so on bars she'll work on toe circles and pirouettes (floor bar) and whatever else she can w/out a kip.

my question, will 2 weeks off be enough time to heal? the area is low in her pelvic region and i felt it and it's solid muscle. she says it doesn't hurt when i press on it. no bones there where it hurt. how do you even help it? i have some essential oils that i can use and should have been using all along. it doesn't hurt otherwise.

if we come back and it's still bothering her, i'll take her to a doctor but i don't even know what can be done other than rest?
Was the initial bruise from an accident of some sort or more a result of repetitive pressure in that area?

If accident, I'd go ahead to doctor. If no precise moment of injury can be pinpointed, and because it is showing improvement, my "mom" assessment would think waiting for her two week break to reevaluate would be fine.

As far as how to make it better- good question! Massaging that area is probably not doable. Other that continuing to limit skills that bring on pain I can't think of anything else.

If it's a strained muscle then PT could help but without a professional diagnosing it would be hard to suggest what stretches and exercises might help.

2 Aleve a day for a week might help reduce acute inflammation and help her be more comfortable.
I would probably take her during the break, so she and you get some peace of mind during that time.
We really can't give you medical advice. There is no way for us to know if this is serious. Honestly, the fact that the pain came back makes me think you should get it checked out.
We really can't give you medical advice. There is no way for us to know if this is serious. Honestly, the fact that the pain came back makes me think you should get it checked out.

I agree with sce. Any type of recurrence like that without an obvious cause is reason for caution. Good luck getting it checked.

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