I totally hear you. My DD is 13 and I think she has struggled like you with injuries. Since she was 9 she has had at least three months a year off from vault/tumbling as her knees, ankles, wrists, hips or back were too sore. We make her stop, do physio and start all over again. She loves gym so much and doesn't want to stop, so that is what drives her. I do find it very hard, I feel so sorry for her, but she has learned to persevere through it all and is a tough cooke because of it.
She is not where she would've been, she was the little one in the gym with masses of potential, other girls have passed her by as they have not had to take months off training. That has been very hard for her to accept.
I think it all depends on how much you want to do gym. Mine has gone down in training hours and competes at a level that is below her skill level as her body just cannot take the strain of higher level skills. Giants hurt her hands, BWO's are agony so she never does those anymore.
Perhaps in the USAG system it is harder though as there is less flexibilty with routines, even in L7 certain skills are required. Here in Canada she can play with her skills and avoid the ones that are no longer possible.
I suppose if you want to do gym more than you want to stop , then there is your answer. Have you considered other sports, that are less harsh on your body?