MAG Future Stars Questions

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Men's Artistic Gymnastics


Proud Parent
Apr 8, 2014
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My son (now age 7, competed in 6 and under this past year at level 4--training to compete at Level 5 this fall), is going to his first Future Stars Prep camp this summer. Is it realistic that he will be able to learn all or most of the skills by then? He's great at some stuff, still struggling a bit w/ things like circles on the mushroom (he has a home mushroom, so I think we're up to 2 circles, but it hasn't quite "clicked" yet for him). He has about 2 months, and we're adding some additional practice time.

Also, what are the Future Stars camps like? I assume parents aren't required to stay all day, because he'll have 2 coaches there for him and another boy. Parents of boys who have participated, did they enjoy these camps/clinics? TIA for any tips/help, etc.
D has done several and loved them. Lots of fun! He will be able to learn most of the skills, but you just never know. He has probably been working them all along!
D has done several and loved them. Lots of fun! He will be able to learn most of the skills, but you just never know. He has probably been working them all along!

Did your son pass to the second clinic/camp? Apparently from what his coach was saying, the coaches at the clinic decide who goes to the camp in September. I am really new to all this.
Ours is different because our # of boys is so small. So the clinics are for learning. Then our coach decides who goes to regionals. We usually only have 20 or so boys at regionals, although it is getting bigger.
You might be in my region. If so, what I have heard is that at camp #1 they get divided into three groups based on their skills and form. What my son's coaches keep telling me is that they aren't expected to have everything in the routines for camp #1, but they are expected to have good form generally, and to be strong and flexible.

At camp #1, the regional director should consult with your coaches about whether he gets to go to camp #2. Camp #1 is pretty inclusive and the boys should have a really good time. Your program will work with him over the summer and then make a decision about whether he is ready for camp #2. There's little point in going to camp #2 in September unless he is routine ready or darn close. If your coaches have worked with the program before, they will know. At camp #2 the decision will be made about who goes to regionals. Only the guys who have a legitimate shot of hitting the national threshold will be invited to attend regionals.

This may sound daunting, but what I have also heard is that the training is well worth it, even if he doesn't go to camp #2. DS is going to camp #1 for the first time this June and could not possibly be more excited.
My child is a positively ancient ten year old.
I did one future stars camp when I was 13 it was camp #2 I just went for the experience and since my coach is one of the future stars national coaches he had to go anyway.

Looking back at it it was an experience I didn't have much fun I just felt wierd since I had no idea any of the routines or anything I just went there for fun and since I was 13 most of the other kids have done future stars for years and all knew each other.

I don't know why I just shared my little future stars experience but there you go lol
Can someone explain the future stars camp to me? In our region, I think that it might be the top 6 kids in level 7 age 9-10 that were invited to go. However, I might have misunderstood that (they announced when they gave awards that they would be invited to a developmental camp). Is this something else?
I know In my region your coach reccomends you for the camps for the competitions you have to qualify
Can someone explain the future stars camp to me? In our region, I think that it might be the top 6 kids in level 7 age 9-10 that were invited to go. However, I might have misunderstood that (they announced when they gave awards that they would be invited to a developmental camp). Is this something else?

That is probably a regional development camp. Some kids at the top of L7 at those ages will be in Future Stars, but some will not.

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