WAG Had to quit gymnastics due to injury and miss it heaps

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Sep 30, 2024
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I was a 17 year old gymnast who recently had to quit due to osteochondritis dissecans in the knee. I was competing my level 8 season and had only done one comp. My knee had been causing me more pain this season and I had recently at the time gone for a full twist, with my knee popping and rolling to the side. Through this two years of brushing my knee pain of to the side, I had lost power in my muscles and my run on the vault was slow and I could not speed it up. My knee had lost all of its muscle and i couldn't straighten it to an extent. Once i went to the physio after this popping incident happened, she was very concerned straight away referring me to a x ray and ultrasound. I had been to her two years before and she had told me it was tendonitis. After having the x ray, the doctors told me I had a lesion in my patella and I would need an mri right away. We went to many specialists, who told me I would need a knee arthroscopy or I would need my cartilage shaved down. This was all in June to July of 2024. Through this time I was told I had to quit gymnastics and it broke me, I was crying every single night and missed the sport like crazy. Finally in august I had my knee arthroscopy. I am now 5 weeks post surgery and everything is going well.

I need someone to reply to my thread because I am in desperate help. After I had to quit gym I felt like I was no longer worth anything and I just felt terrible. After my surgery it got even worse, everyday I feel like I'm not busy enough and that I have to do more. I go to the gym everyday after school and go to swim a few times a week but I still don't feel like myself. My parents said I'm not allowed to go back to gym and every time they tell me those words it breaks me. I just wish I could feel normal again and find another sport that keeps me busy like gymnastics. I also miss the social part of it as I feel like no one is ever free to hang out. I do board at school which helps a great deal.

If you see this could you please reply with options of sports I could do.
If you have ever been in the same position as me please message and tell me how you got through this because I just feel sad all the time and not enough.
Oof, yeah, the post-sport depression is definitely a real thing, and definitely hits hard. I was at my peak and looking forward to next season when I had to quit due to injury. I'm so sorry.

You can always go back as a coach. It's a different way of connecting with the sport, but it at least partially scratches that itch.

As for other sports you could do, it's hard to say. If the limiting factor is your knee (and your parents), it's hard to think of another sport that won't have the same issues. But perhaps sports aren't the best place to look; have you looked into circus arts? There aren't that many good circus schools, but if you're lucky enough to live in an area that has one, there are a lot of acrobatic disciplines you could explore that don't necessitate had takeoffs and landings.
If you can, try diving. My DD who had similar issues with her knees, moved to diving and really enjoyed it. She ended up diving in college on her D1 team despite only having a couple of high school seasons.
If it's an option in your area, I highly recommend circus! I got into circus arts after college through some friends at a yoga studio. There are so many different options, but I mainly focused on contortion and hand balancing based on my interests and skills. I did LOVE playing on straps and silks too. I spent hours everyday for awhile training, worked with a private coach, and even performed as an amateur! I ended up giving it up and surrendering to a different season of life (marriage, then cancer, now a mom of two under two), but it was such a fun time.
One option that your parents might be willing to consider is returning to gymnastics as an Xcel that only does beam and bars. It’ll be fewer hours and will give you a chance to explore other opportunities at at same time.

Alternatively, I recommend signing up for everything! Challenge yourself to try as many new things as possible. Options include: softball, swim team, diving, volleyball, track and field (throwing events: shotput, discus, javelin), theater, cheer, bowling, golf, rowing, dance, music, robotics, debate, school clubs, 4h, volunteering, coaching rec gymnastics.

When you choose activities, go for things that involve a team or group of kids your age. Anything can be fun if you go it with people you like.

Good luck! 🍀
Check out rock climbing if there is an indoor location near you. My gymnast started climbing and did exceptionally well with no prior experience because of upper body strength and flexibility.

Hope you find a fun activity that works for you!
Perhaps sounds crazy to you but have you looked into martial arts? Boxing f.e. doesn't involve much loading for the knees and is a very, very technical sport that suits former gymnasts.

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