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GymGirl's Mom

Proud Parent
Jun 3, 2010
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I am new here, been lurking a little, and recognize some of you from youtube when DD wants to see "gymnastics on the computer". I am the mom of a 6 year old pre-teamer. Just getting my feet wet and learning all I can about gymnastics.

DD will compete level 3 this year. She is very excited. She has been doing gymnastics in some form or another since birth- from Gymboree to progressing to a pre-school rec program at a gym, to a move to a more competitive gym and placement on the pre-team. Through it all she has maintained a love for the sport and a desire to be at the gym all the time and learn new things.

I am just taking it one day at a time with her right now. She seems to love it and has fantastic caring, fun, and motivational coaches. I am excited to see her progress but also cautious about becoming an over-zealous gym mom and wanting it more than her :)

I am most excited about the fact that gymnastics gives her an athletic outlet that she loves, while teaching her about the value of hard work and commitment in order to progress and improve. DD is very bright and school comes easily to her right now- so I like the challenge that gymnastics gives her- it is something she knows she has to work very hard at, while school, for now, her successes come easily (she just finished Kindergarten and will begin 1st grade in the fall).

Other than gymnastics we enjoy swimming, biking, skiing, and all things Disney as a family. We are currently planning our third visit as a family to Disney World- we love vacationing there!

I am excited to learn more about gymnastics and have some questions answered too!
Welcome to the Chalkbucket, nice to have you out of lurkdom!

I know we have a few other "disney" families on the CB, and certainly lots of crazy gym parents!!! Join the proud parenst group, through your User CP on the top left, and then you can post and ask all those questions!
Welcome! I'm fairly new here, too, but we sound like we have quite a bit in common. Have a great time on vacation - we just returned from our annual Disney trip two weeks ago!

My daughter is competing L3 this year, too, as a 5 year old. The girls sound like they have a very similar drive!
Welcome! It sounds like you've found a great environment for your daughter to learn and progress in gymnastics, and that she has a great balance with other activities. Best of luck in your gymnastics journey, and looking forward to hearing more from you on CB!

By the way, we are Disney freaks also and visit at least once yearly.
Welcome. My dd was a gymboree kid too. She just competed level 3 this last spring and hopes to move to level 4 this next year (crossing our fingers).

Good luck with everything!
Hi there!

We're also Disney lovers, but we don't get to go as often as we would like because we live too far away! Our next trip is in October, for our week-long half-term break. We are also Harry Potter fans, so we're doing 2 days at the Universal parks as well - so excited!

DD is 7 and moving into Level 4 in September. She doesn't get to compete a lot because of where we live - we're the only gym in our entire country, so at home she can only compete against her own teammates. She's only ever competed twice in her life - once was at an in-house competition when she was just starting Level 3, and she needed a lot of spotting on bars etc. Then she competed at Trinidad's Nationals earlier this month and did fairly well - 2 medals, for 5th in Vault and 3rd in Floor. She was 6th AA, but no trophy for that. I was pretty proud of her, especially considering her lack of competition experience. If she picks up the rest of her Level 4 skills quickly, she may get to compete in South Carolina in November, otherwise her next competiton will be the Christmas one at her own gym, then the Winter Invitational in Puerto Rico in February.

Because we're the only gym in our country, we're the National Team, and everywhere we travel to compete, we're representing our country, not just our gym or our state. That's pretty heady for a 7 year old!
Hello and welcome to CB! DD also started at gymboree when she was 13 months old after her sister was born. It was "our" special time together. I cherish those days.

Can't wait to hear more about your dd's progress! Sounds like she's a pretty talented gymmie!

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