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Did you forget about us? I thought I'd check in, since dd's very first T&T meet is this weekend. Even tho I am not one of you cool people w/ kids in artistic, I hope you won't mind reading my boring T&T related posts once in a while!

Dd has been plugging away at her new gym & in her new gymnastics 'genre' for about 9 months now. It's been a great place for her, we love the owners & her coach, & they seem to really love dd. She's come close to quitting a couple of times, not so much b/c of the sport, but b/c there are very few girls on her team right now. It's a new gym & a new team, so most of the T&T team is comprised of the boys artistic team (who are also required to do T&T). Dd, who is in 8th grade, is usually either irritated or uncomfortable w/ boys, so she does not always have that much fun at practices. But she hung in there, & now there is a girl on the team about her age whom she enjoys, so she is having more fun.

Plus, she is getting really fired up about the meet, & it's always nice to see her in 'fired-up-mode' (those of you with emotional, yo-yo- ing dd's like mine can relate, I'm sure)!

So, we'll see how she does & how she likes her 'new' sport this Saturday!

Hope you are all well. :)
Great to see a post from you! Thanks so much for the update. Oh, I can't wait to hear how the T&T meet goes. So exciting!!! Good luck!!!!
I am happy to get an update! Of course I wanna hear all about her TnT stuff!!! I love all the different branches of gym/tumbling.

Glad it is working for her, even with the ups and downs. I hope she has a blast at her first TnT meet. We have a small, but very good TnT team and Abby says if she ever can't do gymnastics, she wants to do TnT. She loves watching them. And there are 2 girls her age that are level 6 and 8 and she thinks the stuff they do is cool.

I can see how hanging out with boys the whole time could cause issues. Glad a girl joined. Hope some more do. I know that our TnT team at the gym is mixed, mostly boys I think and a few girls. They seem to get along well though. I actually wouldn't mind if she did that instead someday. Seems a little less scary, though sometimes watching them on that big tramp it looks like they will surely hit the ceiling. LOL.

Keep us posted!!
I wish T&T was available at more gyms!! Very few offer it down here. I did find one though, and am storing it in the back of my mind. If my DD ever changes gyms, I think that's where she'd go to (because of the extra variety).
I'd love to hear about the meet afterwards. I've got no idea how they work, score, present, etc.
Great to hear from you and that the first meet is coming up. We need a meet report from you.

HOw is the new school and life going for you all? I know it's been cold down there, what's that all about???

Keep us psted.
Hey girl! Great to hear from you! Good luck this weekend!! I can't wait to see video (if you can get some) of her first T & T meet! Sending good luck fairies your way!
Thanks all, for your very kind words and interest. I figured everyone would ignore us now that we are out of artistic, lol!

I do feel glad that T&T is offered here, as it's given dd a chance to keep enjoying some aspects of the sport she loves without the pressure, hectic schedules and drama. She does not miss bars or beam thus far, and double mini tramp is a lot like vault. And of course she gets to do more radical tumbling moves since there is no floor routine moves, just pure tumbling. She's learned her Barani, and her back & front fulls on tumble track, so that's fun! But her tumbling pass @ this meet will only be BHS's, b/c she has to score out of L5 first.

Bog, thanks for asking about school & life here since we moved. She is adjusting fine, has lots of friends. It's been quite a process of navigation thru different friend groups for her, w/ all the accompanying 8th grade drama. But I am proud of her, she has made good choices about who she wants to hang around with, and has stood up for herself up against some spoiled, bratty girls. She is so much tougher than I was at her age, thank God!

And yeah! It's coooolllddd here in Dallas right now! Thanks for sending the Canadian weather down here, eh? Currently 20 degrees F, with a wind chill of 8 degrees! Ouch! They say we've not had low temps like this here since the 1980's. But I love it. Never had a 'snow day' off of school living in Cali or FL!
I was wondering how things were going--glad you are posting again :). Good luck to her at the meet this weekend! So glad that she's enjoying practices more now.
Nice to hear from you.Good Luck with the meet.By the way I think T&T is cool.
Didn't forget about you at all!!! I've been wondering how she's been doing... if she did decide to do the T&T, and now we all know! Please tape and post about the meet! I can't wait to hear about it.
We definitely want to encourage our T&T members, it is gymnastics of course. How do the levels work? I know in Canada a competitor can compete different levels on each apparatus, is that the same in the US?

SOrry about the weather thing, it's bad in the UK as well. Right here we have snow and it's cold, but no where near as much snow as usual.

SO glad that the school adjusment has gone weel, the teen drama you can get anywhere!
Another T&T mom here! I can't wait to hear her results. Will she be competing in all three events? I hope the weather is better this weekend. We have friends in Frisco who are home from school today because of the ice. Good luck to your daughter!
Thanks, Jamarie! Yes she will be competing all three events. All @ L5 for now, to score out I guess, according to her coach. Not sure how it all works. It is USAG, that's all I know, and they can compete @ different levels for each event. Her tumbling is ahead of her tramp skills naturally, since she is new to the tramp but not to tumbling. So they may bump her up in her tumbling levels over the next few meets. We'll see. She wants to do really well and says she may stay at a lower level just to gain confidence & have fun.

Yes, it is cold, and our school is out today as well! I hope we can travel Sat. am to the meet! It's about an hour away, & if the roads are icy, I don't know what I'll do. I don't have much experience driving in icy conditions, being a Cali born & bred gal!
If you don't know how to drive in icy conditions and you don't have snow tires, then STAY HOME!!!!! Way too dangerous, it took me a long time to discover and learn the art of winter driving and we have great tires.

Living near a ski resort means we get to help lots of tourists dig out of ditches when they plant themselves by driving too fast on icy roads that LOOK clear.

If you have to drive, drive at half the speed you normally would, leave at least two seconds between you and the car in front and remember that with ABS you can push the brakes down hard and still stoor whilst you are stopping. If you begin to slide, steer into it until you have regained traction and control.

Go prepared for a breakdown, take warm clothes in a bag, some food and a cell phone!
Hey! Great to hear from you! Sounds like the move to T & T was the right move. I cant wait to hear about the meet.. I would love to learn more about it too! Beetle had a friend that lived next to Grandma & Grandpa that did tumbling.

I can't believe how cold it has been everywhere.. her in MN we had a heatwave yesterday ... it hit 18! Now tonight it is supposed to be -40 with windchills....ARG
Hey! Great to hear from you! Sounds like the move to T & T was the right move. I cant wait to hear about the meet.. I would love to learn more about it too! Beetle had a friend that lived next to Grandma & Grandpa that did tumbling.

I can't believe how cold it has been everywhere.. her in MN we had a heatwave yesterday ... it hit 18! Now tonight it is supposed to be -40 with windchills....ARG
Jeepers that's cold kristilyn! Yikes. I'd never leave the house! :)

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