Well since I started this thread I guess I'll clear up some things..
I have now been coaching at IGC for the past 5 weeks and would like to kindly disagree with the majority of things stated a few posts above me.
The Klaus family are some of the kindest people I have ever met. Bruno and Cheryl are so sweet. When there is work to be done Brent, the director of the entire camp, is out there helping with the rest of us. They have taken the time to know each of the staff members names and are always helpful with problems and concerns we have.
Practically encourage people to sleep around behind the scenes? What? Boys and girls are not allowed to be in each other's housing. The staff is great. They are here because they love the kids. And yes, we are trying our hardest to be good role models for them.
Yes everyone gets paid a different amount. If anybody is coming here to make money, you're doing it for the wrong reasons. The reason to come here is to gain a ridiculous amount of knowledge and to help children. Not to make a ton of money. Actually if you want to make a ton of money..don't be a gymnastics coach. If you don't love it, the hours will never be worth it. Ask anyone on this forum. Gymnastics coaches aren't banking it for the most part. But they love it. I am actually enjoying myself so much here that if made no money doing this I would be content.
Getting a 24 hour time frame would mean you're working 6 days a week..not 7. Each day we get from 3:30 to 6:45 off. Not much time. But enough to breathe and relax. Again, if you don't want long hours, don't be a gymnastics coach. It comes with the job, especially at a camp.
Don't even say anything about them not caring about the campers. Each day we have a morning meeting and talk about kids that are homesick, struggling in the gym, not getting along with the other kids or anything else us as coaches would need to know to better help the kids. The kids come first here, always.
About having people spot kids who are way bigger than them..last night I was at my station for open gym and there were two girls that I knew I would not be able to spot. So I asked someone a little bigger and more experienced than I am to help them. Similar thing happened yesterday during our rotations, I had some kids whose level of gymnastics was above my spotting ability and one of the gym supervisors came right over and offered to help for the entire rotation.
As far as getting kicked in the head..yes it's happened here plenty of times. And in every gym. Or at any camp. There is a concussion policy with the trainers that you must be symptom free for 5 days before coaching or spotting again. Before that point you are monitored 24/7 and even sleep in the nurses office so they can be right there just in case anything goes wrong. The owners do not deal with this. The trainers do. There is no way the owners could say "suck it up"..they don't deal with concussions, the trainers do.
There is no camp policy for taking someone to the hospital for back pain..even if they're crying. Obviously they were really worried about the girl and wanted her checked by a doctor or have CT scan. I don't know the situation so there's not really anything I can say about this.
Brent is not mean, callous or heartless. In any way. Ever. And Bruno is a sweet old man.
For the record, we do run hills for being late to a meeting. But being 19 minutes late would be missing the meeting entirely because they are 15 minutes long. I have never seen anyone be more than 2 minutes late.
No one is allowed to swim in the lake.

Ever. Ever. No one.
I have never seen Bruno glare. And cannot even being to believe that they would vandalize your car.
To summarize this, I love it here! I love coaching for 7 hours a day and being exhausted at the end of each day! I love the food, people, environment, everything. I love getting to be a counselor and having 10 year olds to comfort at night because they miss their moms and need someone to make them feel better. I loved vault today when I had a group of beginners that made it over the vault for the first time today--their beaming faces we're worth more than any amount of money. I am leaning so much every day. It is hard, it is exhausting, but it is so worth it.
If anyone has any questions about the camp, whether about coaching or sending your kids here, please feel free to message me and I will do my best to answer them.
Hope this cleared some stuff up!