WAG Influenza B....it's still out there

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Proud Parent
Aug 30, 2012
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My DD had a meet on Sunday (start time at 6pm, so it was a late night). She did well (2nd AA), but didn't feel very well. Fever last night of 103+...diagnosed with the flu today at the Dr's office. They said they're seeing a resurgence in Influenza B (it was "A" that was mostly seen in Dec/Jan).

Just wanted to warn you all to keep up with the handwashing and sanitizer use...we're not out of the woods yet! She's on the couch with her doggie keeping her company. I hope she's much better tomorrow....she's pretty pitiful right now. :(
Poor kid! Hope she feels better soon. Congrats to her on her meet too!
Thanks....it's been a rough few days. Fevers spiking higher than I am comfortable with and she's got a horrible, deep Darth Vader like cough. She's sleeping a lot so I hope she is healing now.

I took her to the Dr on Monday afternoon because I feared she did have the flu (been there, done that before) and the Dr acted like I was a huge moron ("it's not flu season") and refused to test her. Got worse over Monday night so I took her to the Target walk-in clinic yesterday morning. They tested her and right away it came back positive for Influenza B. I started the anti-viral yesterday, but we could have done so 24-hrs earlier if the first doc would have just run the dang test. Yes....I called to complain. :mad:
I'd complain too! My son tested positive for flu two years ago in May--it isn't common but it does happen out of season. Are you alternating tylenol and ibuprofen to keep the fever down? You can also try a lukewarm/coolish bath too.
Yes, I'm doing both and using a cool cloth on her head. Right now, she's asleep...I'm hoping she'll be on the upswing when she wakes up. Thanks for the advice...she's not sick that often, so I'm somewhat of a novice.
My daughter had the flu twice this season! Confirmed both times (so now come to think of it maybe it was A then B?!) It's been a brutal season illness wise!! Tylenol never works for her but the dr said it was OK to do motrin every 4 hours so long as we didnt' go over a certain amount daily. YOu might check with your dr on that if Tylenol doesn't work.

Also, be prepared for her being wiped out when she gets back to practice. It took my daughter a few days to get any power back!

Hydrate hydrate hydrate and get her to eat as much as she will tolerate!

Good luck!

Oh and my daughter did well with a shower...actually brought her temp down a bit (before spiking again :-(

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