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Dec 21, 2011
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okay so I'm 13 and I'm training level 7. I did gym for a while and quit at about 2nd grade, then I came back 2 years ago. I love it a ton, but there are issues:
1. I am training skills with 2nd and 3rd graders!!! they can do things better than I and it gets me so frustrated! I know these girls will burn out and won't profit from the experience like I will, but ugh!!! I'm doing lay outs into the pit while they are on the floor. My coaches also always get mad at me and not at all at them for not doing the same thing, like not connecting something, etc...
2. One of my coaches is really negative, and the other day (the same day I had experienced a lot of this ^^), the older 7s were vaulting on 7. I'm not very great at vault, and I used to be scared. (I love it now, btw...) but I was joking and I said something along the lines of, "hey, you ready? I'm going to vault!!" jokingly, to my coach. She then said, "are you kndding me? You can't even make it over on two!" I get a lot of this from her, like if you don't do this you'll never even have a prayer of scoring out of level six! (this coach is the gym owner's daughter, and the gym owner is the one who has said was going to score out of six.) or, you will never do this or that.
3. Im tired and frustrated of the younger girls getting more attention because they're adorable, etc. I am really muscular but not flexible, so I need a spot on backwalkovers on beam. I have to wait around while they do them, and same thing for things like layouts, and a bunch of other skills. I feel like I'm always being shoved to the side because I shouldn't be doing bar routines wth the older 7s, they are competing now, but I can't do it with the younger girls because their bar setting is too smal. Things like this happen all the time, and I'm left standing around with no spot, no bar set, no anything, and no way to get better... :(
Sorry to here all this! I know what it feels like being the oldest, in fact I am the oldest competing gymnast in the gym, the next oldest in my squad is 2 years younger and then the youngest is 7 years younger I am in level 6 which is the highest level in our squad (kinda like your level 6 with bonus's that make it like your level 7 so I am around your level), but I can sympathise with you

You are 13 so are mature enough to have a normal conversation with your coach and maybe just talk to her and say that you want to improve but are too tall to do things on the same setting on bars etc and mention that you really want to improve but can't unless you train on settings that are right for you
First off! You are obviously a truly dedicated gymnast. Most kids your age are in it as much for the social reasons as for the gymnastics. You are not letting the fact that you are with younger gymnasts stop you from achieving what you want to achieve in the sport. That is great!

Remember that gymnastics ability has nothing to do with age. Length of time training plays a much bigger factor. Don't think of it as training with younger kids, think of it as training with kids who have trained a similar amount of time to you they just happen to be younger. If you were In Australia you would actually be one of the youngest at level 7. The average age of our level 7's is 14 and many are much older.

Don't watse too much training time waiting for a spot. If it is your flexiblilty that is detracting from your ability to do the back walkovers on beam then work it at home. Stretch your bridges and walkovers every day. While you are waiting for a spot do extra walkovers on a line on the floor or on the low beam. If fear is an issue, stack mats or boxes up around the beam so you can do it yourself and you don't need to rely on your coach to spot you. Slowly lower the mats/boxes as your confidence grows and keep practicing on the low beams at every chance you get.

The negativity of the coach is a real problem. But some people are naturally like this. Othe people can work well with young kids but have no idea how to talk and communicate with teenagers. Many adults feel that teenagers speak another alien language anyway. You could try standing up for yourself let the coach know it hurts your feelings and makes you feel down when she says stuff like this. She may not realise this and think she is trying to be funnyor that teenagers respond to sarcasm. If you can't do that you will need to be your own positive coach. If your coach says something negative to you, change it to a positive saying in your own head and go for it. This will be a great life skill for when you are older.
I agree with what has been said here. When we go to meets the biggest group of L7's competing is the 12 - 13 group so age wise you are right there. yes there are younger and older too. So don't let the age thing get you down. Keep in mind you have only been at this for 2 years and these little girls didn't take that break. At our old gym my DD was the old lady in a similar position where the average age was 9 - 10. At new gym she still one of the older L7 at 14 but the rest of the L7 range from 12 - 14 so they are all about the same age. They practice with the other optional levels as one big group and the rest of the L8 -L10 are more in the 15 - almost 18 age group so the L7 are the babies in the group.

You can't compare yourself ever to what others are getting and when they are getting them. Everyone gets skills at their own pace. Just keep at it and you will get it. The connection on beam my DD only gets 50% of the time. Also if you are waiting for spots then work on other skills while you are waiting don't just stand there waiting. do full turns or some other skill in your routines while you are waiting. On the floor find a line and practice that connection for beam, any time you can be on the low beam practice that connection. My DD goes to their Open Gym nights and practices her connection on Beam and what is to be her new dismount all the time. She doesn't just run around goofing off at the open gyms like many of the kids do. She goes with a plan to paractice one or two specific skills. That extra time helps alot.

As far as your coaches go talk to them. Know what you want to say take a deep breath be respectful and talk to them. If that doesn't seem to do the trick then talk to your parents on this they really should know how you feel and they are on your side. Maybe you need a different gym with different coaches. I know when we changes gyms it made a HUGE difference in my DD's cofidence and the coaches are so positive.
Not trying to be insensitive, don't take this the wrong way, but I noticed you joke with your coach and that is probably why she jokes back. Maybe try yes Mama and no mama. She might want to help you more, because you are showing respect and no extra talk.... I hope this helps you....I'm in no way tring to be rude.:)
okay so I'm 13 and I'm training level 7. I did gym for a while and quit at about 2nd grade, then I came back 2 years ago. I love it a ton, but there are issues:
1. I am training skills with 2nd and 3rd graders!!! they can do things better than I and it gets me so frustrated! I know these girls will burn out and won't profit from the experience like I will, but ugh!!! I'm doing lay outs into the pit while they are on the floor. My coaches also always get mad at me and not at all at them for not doing the same thing, like not connecting something, etc...
2. One of my coaches is really negative, and the other day (the same day I had experienced a lot of this ^^), the older 7s were vaulting on 7. I'm not very great at vault, and I used to be scared. (I love it now, btw...) but I was joking and I said something along the lines of, "hey, you ready? I'm going to vault!!" jokingly, to my coach. She then said, "are you kndding me? You can't even make it over on two!" I get a lot of this from her, like if you don't do this you'll never even have a prayer of scoring out of level six! (this coach is the gym owner's daughter, and the gym owner is the one who has said was going to score out of six.) or, you will never do this or that.
3. Im tired and frustrated of the younger girls getting more attention because they're adorable, etc. I am really muscular but not flexible, so I need a spot on backwalkovers on beam. I have to wait around while they do them, and same thing for things like layouts, and a bunch of other skills. I feel like I'm always being shoved to the side because I shouldn't be doing bar routines wth the older 7s, they are competing now, but I can't do it with the younger girls because their bar setting is too smal. Things like this happen all the time, and I'm left standing around with no spot, no bar set, no anything, and no way to get better... :(

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