WAG Introductions - aug 2014

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Proud Parent
Jul 15, 2014
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I've noticed new posters introducing themselves, but as a newbie I'd love to get to know the "veterans" (and newbies too of course!) of the sight a little better. Would anyone be interested in sharing just a bit about yourselves/your kids so we have it all in one spot? Is this legal? And maybe we could share one thing about ourselves that has nothing to do with gymnastics? Like maybe your favorite book or tv show? No pressure. I do well with rejection. I'll start:

I'm a mother of three daughters: almost 5yr old is in a pre-team class twice a week, 3yr old is in one class a week for fun, and my 5 month old is working on her army crawl and just started sleeping through the night. Hallelujah. Haha. Pretty much everything I know about gymnastics is from a made for TV movie about Nadia Comaneci I was OBSESSED with as a child.

Favorite book: East of Eden
Favorite tv: project runway or maybe bachelor(stop judging! Haha)
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Read through this massive forum full of introduction threads and you will find out lots about members here. You will also see that people come and go.

I am Bogwoppit, one of the three admins of the site. My girls no longer do gym due to serious injuries. I love gym, did it as a child and coached for a while.
I am pretty new here as well. I have an almost five year old who is loves gymnastics and is in a developmental class twice a week. I also have a son who is six who loves theater and being a clown in general. I never had a clue about gymnastics before I started dd in classes at two and am slowly learning as much as I can because even if she doesn't stick with gymnastics I am a preparer and researcher to the point of ridiculousness.
Sure- I'll hop in!

My favorite things to do are: cooking, gardening, going for country rides with the family and trying to get lost and seeing what interesting things we discover, and I also love going to music concerts & festivals. I'm crafty, but I'm also a procrastinator and a perfectionist so I tend to have a lot of beautiful visions of things I like to do in my head that never actually happen. LOL.

I have two children:
  • DD age 9- My daughter started gymnastics a year-and-a-half-ago and quickly became obsessed. She's progressing steadily, will compete Xcel Silver this year and, so far, our family is totally enjoying the ride.
  • DS age 5- My son just started kindergarten. He's done a season of T-Ball and so far, that's been his only sport. When he turns 6, he will be able to join the gym's T&T class, so I'm looking forward to that very much. I don't *intend* for him to do gym long-term, I just would like him to get some physical activity and we'll still introduce him to some other sports as well and see what he ends up loving.
I have a DD11 going on 12 who has been in gym since she was two and showing me she could "fly". She's now doing a second year of L7.

My favorite thing to do is cross stitch!
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Read through this massive forum full of introduction threads and you will find out lots about members here. You will also see that people come and go.

I am Bogwoppit, one of the three admins of the site. My girls no longer do gym due to serious injuries. I love gym, did it as a child and coached for a while.

I am pretty new here as well. I have an almost five year old who is loves gymnastics and is in a developmental class twice a week. I also have a son who is six who loves theater and being a clown in general. I never had a clue about gymnastics before I started dd in classes at two and am slowly learning as much as I can because even if she doesn't stick with gymnastics I am a preparer and researcher to the point of ridiculousness.
Sounds like we were maybe cut from the same cloth.
Hey! I'm Gym0m! My DD is 8.5. She's been in gym since she was 3. She's was a member of the 2013 TOPS Diamond team. We found out earlier in the week that she made it to national tops testing in Oct this year. She started competing JO at 6 in old L4. Last year she competed new L4 & new L5. She will start optional levels in December at L7. If she gets her yurchenko vault, she will move to L8 quickly....(not thrilled about that one, but hey those words are from her head coach.....). I worked on the business side of gymnastics for 5 years, coached some rec and conditioning classes, but mostly, I'm still pretty clueless and while I've been here for a bit, still consider myself pretty new to CB! My favorite thing to do is RELAX!! (Bc that never happens)
Hi Orangesoda, I am 1canadiangymmom, Something interesting about me, I own an organic u-pick berry farm.
Fav thing - spending quite down time with the family, and not having to drive to the city
2 kids
dd is 11, 6th year or gym, will either do P4 or P3 this year equivalent of L7
ds is 17, no organised sport to speak of. Just trying to get through high school
Been a gym parent since dd was 4; been a meet director for 6 years or so.

Dd is now a L10 and will graduate at the end of this school year and head to college.
Hello! My DD recently turned 6 and is in her second year of pre-comp (9 hours a week). My DS will soon be 9 and plays competitive baseball in the summer and hockey in the winter. Add to that, my DH plays ice hockey, ball hockey and soft ball and I work full time so my "downtime" is spent as a chauffer and organizational specialist.

I do like to get out for runs or walks by myself, when I can, and with such a busy family schedule one of my favourite things to do is travel as a family. We don't have to go far, or for long, but just getting away from the chaos and spending time together is the best!
I'm catou, a former gymnast for 11 years, and now a coach. I will coach a p2 groupe during the next season (equivalent to level 6 I'd say).

I started gymnastics at 5 years old... and have been in love with the sport ever since. Now I do spinning and work as a motor development consultant as a day job, while studying part time for a diploma in sensory and motor rehabilitation.
'My girls no longer do gym due to serious injuries.'
Sorry to hear that. Were they hurt in gym??
Hi. As a child, I was involved in multiple sports: football, baseball, gymnastics (self-taught since there were no gyms around and i had a cousin that had competed for her high school), swimming, bmx racing, basketball, volleyball, track, softball.
I do not have any children of my own, but I have 2 gymmies that i love with all my heart.
OG is 12-1/2 and will compete Xcel Platinum after 2 seasons of old L3, a season of old L5, a season of old L6, and 2 seasons of Xcel Gold.
YG is 9-1/2 and will compete Xcel Gold after 3 years at old L4/new L3.
I got them into the gym when YG was 17 months old. They started in baby and preschool classes. They each moved onto team at 6 years old and competed shortly after their 7th birthdays.

I am the team website administrator, bench coach, Xcel expert, statistician, floor music cutter, and whatever else HC needs me to do.

Aside from gymnastics, I am a licensed teacher (grades 7-12 English, Math, and Social Studies), but I don't have a job yet... I am holding out for an online school because I don't like kids :rolleyes::p:cool:. I am also do taxes for friends and family from Jan-April (right in the middle of meet season), and I tutor grades K-College... pretty much any subject (I am currently tutoring someone to her BSN in Nursing after tutoring her through her RN degree).

Favorite TV shows: Degrassi, Monday Night RAW, Property Brothers, Income Property, The People's Court, Law & Order SVU, NCIS, NCIS-LA, and House.

Favorite Authors: VC Andrews, Lurlene McDaniel, and Dr. Seuss

Favorite Books: Heaven by VC Andrews, Six Months to Live by Lurlene McDaniel, and Dr. Seuss's ABCs and Green Eggs and Ham, and Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein.

Hobbies: Sudoku, Kakuro, jigsaw puzzles- especially if they have wolves or Native Americans in them, design (I have designed my dream gym. Now I just need an anonymous benefactor with about $17 Million to give me to make it happen :D).

Food: I am VERY picky and almost a vegetarian... I can tolerate ham and bacon occasionally and I like hamburger, but don't eat it often. Because I am TRYING to be less picky, I CAN eat boneless, skinless chicken breast as long as it is cut into tiny pieces... but I can only eat about 6 of them in a sitting. Part of my pickiness is due to allergies and an inability to tolerate anything even mildly spicy. Something can burn my tongue while everyone else says it's bland (could be an allergy to peppers or a variety of spices... I can handle garlic, salt, and paprika and the sweet things like apple pie spice, cinnamon, and pumpkin pie spice). I am also allergic to spinach, tomatoes, and fake sugars.
I'm cbifoja. I'm a high school teacher. I don't watch a lot of TV but series that I've fallen in love with include Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead, Justified, and The Big Bang Theory.

I love to read. I prefer non-fiction to fiction but usually switch over to fiction for lighter summer reading by the pool.

I am a terrible cook....I mean it, just horrible. I don't know why either. I should be able to follow a recipe but they just never turn out. As a result, my child eats a lot of pre-prepared food and it is one of my biggest shames. I wish I could cook because I love food! And wine! I really like wine!

We have cats and my fur baby is a Siamese who dislikes everyone but me. He has learned to tolerate DD but tolerate is being generous. He mainly doesn't attack her.

DD is in 5th grade and is 10. She hates school, especially math. She wants to spend all day in the gym and be home schooled part time. I am a single mom so that won't happen.

I work at the gym as a secretary/office worker and also am a booster club officer so I spend a lot of time at the gym. I've been fortunate enough to see DD's first kip, first BHS on beam, and first giant. I've missed tsuks, clear hip to hand, and her one and a half. But I get to see a lot of things so no complaints.

DD is basically an only child. She has a sister but ODD is 16 years older than YDD so DD doesn't have those "sibling advantages." I greatly admire parents of multiple children because I don't know how you all manage to juggle all you have on your plate!
I'm probably not as interesting as most of the other people on here because I don't have children yet, but here I go!

My name is Sarah, but because the name is quite common, I go by Sari on the internet (it's a long story). I did recreational gymnastics for a long time before I was finally moved up to a competitive group at age 12. Because I started at uni last year, I've stopped competing but I still hit up the gym whenever I can.
I've also been a coach for about four years. I love coaching! I started out coaching rec classes but since I switched to another gym (in the town I go to uni) I've also started coaching a "pre team"-like class of 6 to 9 year-olds. Those girls are oftentimes the favorite part of my week! I have a passion for looking up drills anywhere I can so I can constantly improve as a coach and give the kids their best shot at gymnastics.

Apart from gym, I enjoy reading (always have), guitar and creative writing. I was in drama group at school but haven't yet found a group around my university. Oh, by the way, I study social work. My favorite book is probably The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger. Favorite tv show is probably How I Met Your Mother, even though I'm still quite mad about the way it ended. Also Doctor Who.

As a mom my favourite thing to do is to relax and spend time with my kids
I have 3 kids:
Youngest dd is 7, was training level 4, until she broke her elbow now we're just conditioning and doing simple skills
My middle ds is 15, he plays soccer and is really big in reading
My oldest dd is 16, competing 7 this year for her last year of gym, and loves reading
She hates school, especially math. She wants to spend all day in the gym and be home schooled part time.

Sounds like me! Well, I'm not a gymnast anymore, but my hate for math still stands, lol.

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