1. Pediatric Lasik has been used only in extreme cases where vision is threatened by severe lazy eye or other serious sight threatening circumstances because of severe refractive error. Do not expect a doctor to wave this age requirement easily.
2. Technically 20/70 without your contacts is not that bad. "Low vision" is considered to be a BEST eyesight of 20/70 WITH Contacts or Eyeglasses.
This means that your UNCORRECTED vision is the best that some people can get with CORRECTION. At 20/200 WITH CORRECTION, someone is considered legally blind.
3. One of the reasons they don't do LASIK on children is that they are still growing… so are their eyes. They need to be stable. The best time to have LASIK is between the ages of 25-39 (and not pregnant).
4. Even after LASIK, some people still need corrective lenses.