Parents Living vicariously through my dd

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Jan 26, 2010
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Okay, I have to admit it. I enjoy the sport of gymnastics maybe more than my dd, who has been doing it for almost 8 years.

I took her to the gym for the first time at age 5 after going to that same gym on a school field trip. What started as a one hour a week fun time has turned into a whole livelihood for both of us. As she progressed through the levels, we both got more serious in the sport. When she made team 4 years ago, I got really involved in the booster club, and spent a lot of my time at the gym watching her. Today I am even more involved with the booster club, and absolutely love going to the gym to watch her. Yesterday she started learning her level 7 beam routine, and I was more excited than her. Today, I spent a good part of the morning watching gymnastics on TV, but she wasn't interested.

Does anyone else do this?


P.S. I did not do gymnastics as a kid. However, I gave birth to her during the summer Olympics of 1996.
ME TOO!!! I admit it!!! I'll watch the videos down here, and try to call her over to watch! Sometimes she does and gets really motivated, other times she cares more about Justin Bieber than anything else. Ah, the trials and tribulations of teenagers!!!!
lol im the opposite im like mom come watch this and she will always be like im busy,but with her new job with more hours she really likes it when she can come watch!!!
I channel my love into coaching. That way we run a parallel course. It is good because if she chooses to do something else I will still continue with coaching. But we really enjoy sharing our interest (although she doesn't spend hours on youtube watching routines. lol)
Guilty. I have always loved the sport. I don't much care if DD wants to watch with me or not. I enjoy watching her, her teemates, our local college meets, tv and olympics. I like it for ME.

I try not to get TOO involved in her gym and its politics though...that is unhealthy to me. SHE needs to own HER gymnastics...I just support her.
My son is only 2 (does toddler gym for fun), and I was a just a little bit worried that I was going to be the same as you in a few years, so I started an adult gym class! I love it! I do think we're probably all a little guilty of it, but we need to be careful that our children can enjoy it (or not!), without feeling any guilt or pressure from us. Anyway, I recommend adult gym :)
I'll always be a card carrying member of WAGAA (Women's Artistic Gymnastics Addicts Anonymous)! :cool:

My dd has changed over to T&T from artistic. She loves it, & I have to admit, it is so much more relaxed and less political than Artistic. BUT! I still watch artistic when I can. College meets on TV, etc.

This past weekend she was at a huge meet that included T&T, WAG, & MAG. Did I sneak over to the WAG side & watch? Of course I did! Was I sad, wistful & wishing she was still in it? Yep! Especially since I was watching L9's from WOGA on beam---now that was some amazing stuff, they are all like Nastia.

Don't get me wrong, I support her in whatever she chooses to do. But I am still a WAG addict! :p
I think there is at least a little bit of that in most of us. Why not? Afterall, we spend the money and the effort so why not get some enjoyment and excitement out of it by being totally involved.

And that isn't only gymnastics necessarily. For instance... To be frank, I have hated dance, I have hated (popular) dance music and I have hated dancing for as long as I can remember but now that one of mine is totally into dance, I have to make myself not to hate it and be a part of it (somewhat recentfully).

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