Off Topic London accent.

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Hi guys, so recently I found out that I will be moving to London next year. I was really really excited but then yesterday it hit me. I don't have a Londoner accent. I'm afraid I might get picked on because I don't have the accent. Any ideas on how I can get it or is it easier to pick it up while your there? Sorry for this unintelligent question.

- Flipsandgrips2002

Honestly in London itself there are a high proportion of immigrants, and a true London accent is rare. In fact South London is a different accent to East, North etc.

I've lived all over the uk and never needed to change my accent. People will accept you, and if they don't because of something as stupid as accent, they're not people you want to know anyway.

Stand up tall and be proud of your heritage. A different accent is always a good ice breaker too :)
Well a bad fake London accent is way, way worse than a nice Irish one. Just be yourself.

Honestly in London itself there are a high proportion of immigrants, and a true London accent is rare. In fact South London is a different accent to East, North etc.

I've lived all over the uk and never needed to change my accent. People will accept you, and if they don't because of something as stupid as accent, they're not people you want to know anyway.

Stand up tall and be proud of your heritage. A different accent is always a good ice breaker too :)

Okay thanks so much for the advice!
That's the beauty of London - it's multiculturalism. I mean in our family we've even got 3 different accents living under one roof!
Most people who live in London aren't actually from here! Don't worry about it, you will meet loads of people with different accents and sometimes it's actually a great way to make friends, people realise you're not a Londoner and then want to know where you're from, then they have a distant cousin from the same place as you etc, and the conversation continues.

Enjoy your move!
Most people who live in London aren't actually from here! Don't worry about it, you will meet loads of people with different accents and sometimes it's actually a great way to make friends, people realise you're not a Londoner and then want to know where you're from, then they have a distant cousin from the same place as you etc, and the conversation continues.

Enjoy your move!
Thank you!
I've spent most of my life 'having an accent' as a UK person who lived in the States with my British accent, then came back to the UK having apparently developed an American accent, and now I live in France where I still haven't managed to lose the traces of my English accent. It really isn't anything to worry about - being a bit different is interesting and can be fun - don't deliberately give that up!

Also after a few months when you go back to Ireland to visit they will probably notice your 'London accent' even if you haven't tried to develop one, so embrace the difference now and have fun!
I've spent most of my life 'having an accent' as a UK person who lived in the States with my British accent, then came back to the UK having apparently developed an American accent, and now I live in France where I still haven't managed to lose the traces of my English accent. It really isn't anything to worry about - being a bit different is interesting and can be fun - don't deliberately give that up!

Also after a few months when you go back to Ireland to visit they will probably notice your 'London accent' even if you haven't tried to develop one, so embrace the difference now and have fun!
Yeah after 24 years in Canada people still ask where I am from. When I go back to the UK to visit people there ask where I am from. I think I have developped my very own accent. Lets call it Bogcunian.
yeah. I hear ya bog. Take a southerner (ya'll and all) and place her in a place that mostly speaks spanish. I relaly had to learn to talk. People still ask me where I am from. Here and at home.
Just talk normally! Be proud of where you came from ;) I moved from the northern US to the Southern US as a young child, I have neither a southern nor a northern accent! I do just fine in a mix of accents here though.

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